Bug Report: Unexpected Battle.net Whisper & Friend List Behavior

Bug Report: Unexpected Battle.net Whisper & Friend List Behavior

Whispering a person in-game sometimes appears as a battle.net blue whisper instead of an in-game pink whisper, even though they are not on my battle.net friend list. After this happens, they appear in the “Chat and Groups” tab in the Battle.net launcher, allowing me to message them even when I’m logged out of WoW and see their online status. I assume they can see mine as well if I can see theirs, which raises privacy concerns for me since I only add people I know in real life to my Battle.net friend list.

The first time this happened was around Christmas in Cataclysm Classic, and it happened again recently in Anniversary Classic, and that was when I found out that they appear on the “Chat and Groups” tab as I missed a message from a friend when I switched wow versions.

Friend list (raid leader NOT shown): https://postimg.cc/8jnyRkdY
Chat & Groups (raid leader IS shown): https://postimg.cc/9rf8ww9T

Pretty sure this happens when the character you are whispering has the same name as their battlenet name.

The Christmas incident no, that person had a different bnet nme than their in-game character. This last incident on anniversary classic the person had the same name on their character as their bnet name.