Bug - Raid Frames Functionality

I posted this in Beta forums however since patch has gone live this is now a live problem/bug.

Raid frames need to be fixed I have created a separate post about this with images but long story short the current raid frames do not have the same functionality as the original ones.


Above is my solo post about this subject but please look at the following:


Shows the original setup of the raid frames, groups are aligned with odds and even above each other, 2 rows by 4 groups. You can clearly see tanks, healers, and resources for the different classes. However in the new raid frames this is no longer the case.

Here is a 40 man raid:


No borders, no way of pulling out the tanks without corrupting groups, no indication of what groups are where, no division between odd and even groups. (If you choose the option to pull out the tanks in raid the groups get mixed further.)

Basically its a rush job.

You have three templates you can choose from:




None of them give you the functionality of the original setup and two of them take up a lot more screen space. Basically you have broken the original functionality of the raid frames that allowed instant ability to see who is in a group, if people died in a group associated with a task so on, yes there are addons that we can install that continue to have the old functionality however the old adage “if it aint broke don’t fix it” applies here.

A return to the original retail raid frames or something similar would be awesome.


I also consider this a big problem. Having the raid displayed alphabetically by name – with tanks separate and healers listed next – was also valuable if needing to find one raid member by name quickly. Now it’s a jumble because it’s sorting by group.

Another oddity when editing the UI is that the UI options for editing the raid frames are for 10 man, 25 man, or 40 man. This really doesn’t work with current retail raids. 10 and 40 make sense since both are possible, but 25 as an option makes NO sense, since flex raids allow from 10-30. I can edit for 25 and for 40, but not for 30 which is a full flex raid. This is important because of the note I put about the raid frames filling UP AND DOWN from the center of the area designated for them instead of filling from the top down, as was previous.

Additionally, I’ll repost part of something I put in the other UI bug thread since it relates specifically to the raid frames part of the UI:

If you move the raid frames at all, but leave them near the left side of the screen, the flyout on the left side of the screen with the raid markers, etc, appears BEHIND the raid frames and cannot be interacted with. (If you do not move the raid frames, this flyout does what it did before and moves the raid frames over until it’s closed again.)

If you do not move your raid frames, the frames fill down as they did previously. If you do move your raid frames, the frames fill both UP AND DOWN from the center of the box you have set for them, which can cover UI elements at the top of the screen, and changes the overall position of all the raid frames as people leave/join.

Apologies no screen caps of this.


So basically this whole raid frame section has to be reworked due to the poor craftsmanship and not trying to copy what they already had that was working.

Seriously I don’t mind tweaking things I love the new UI - no bartender or dominos is great but there is the old adage if “it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.

So for future reference I would suggest to whoever is in charge of the UI - basically raid frames were working fine the way you had them originally the big issue was not the frames or how they were placed only that sometimes people who dced still showed as present - or people who left still showed as in the raid. Simple bugs that we would do a /reload to overcome.

Not sure what you can do to fix it but it needs to happen before the new raids are released or you will have a ton of people using CTMod and other older raid window replacement addons.


Not sure I’ve set it up correctly but noticed that this raid frames don’t specify classes for dead players. I can tell tank, healer, dps but no other info provided. I don’t randomly battle rez any dead player…I want to know class usefulness. Does this UI even offer raid dps meters?

The only thing I was able to do to fix it was to tell it to revert to the default position. Once you do that, the flyout will work normally. But then you have to deal with the raid frames in the default position.

Alternatively, you could hotkey all the raid markers, but this seems a pain.


Well if you move the raid frames from one side of the screen to the other you will also notice that the positioning of how the raid gets filled changes. So rather than filling up from the left hand corner down, depending on position on the screen it will either fill from left (on left side) - center (in a center position) - or right (in a right position). This is infuriating if you are used to the older frames always being where you put them.

I still don’t understand why they had to change it at all they removed functionality of the frames - made them harder to shape, harder to group people the way you want. Its ridiculous. There were no real improvements.

This isn’t about some nostalgia or being used to the way things worked basically its breaking the frame functions for no reason.

Now I am sacrificing a huge chunk of space to get the groups in some order that makes sense.


I put the above screenshot to show how much space it takes up. Also just to get a clear idea of what groups we have you have to make sure its set to seperate groups horizontal, and display border.


This bug still exist there is no way to get the old frame functionality back.

Can no longer set groups like this.

Can no longer see borders around groups if you do set them up 4x4 and no way of telling which party is which since they grow from different side depending where you place the frames.

Can no longer pull out tanks since instead of cloning the tanks it actually pulls them out and corrupts the whole group setting.


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Looks like a great addon author just fixed the problem that BLIZZARD has ignored all this time, I posted about it on beta and on live but it took one of the the addon authors to fix it.

The addon, Raid Frame Anchor will not only fix the problem of where the groups are forming from, but gives you back the old functionality of odds over even.

Addon was created by TaymaraPlays on curseforge, don’t know the in game name.


Here is the image they posted that shows how to configure the raid frames using edit mode to get the odds over even build:


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Since the launch of raid, I’ve been searching for a solution to this, because Blizzard seems to be turning a deaf ear to the issue…

Thanks for sharing the addon solution.

Addon works however due to taint issues crashes every time you exit / go into combat.

Thanks for the post - I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s being driven nuts by new raid frames with less functionality. Also thanks for the addon. I’m going to install it and just keep an eye for updates so hopefully I can use it when it gets fixed.

Addon is currently tossing taint errors and author says unable to fix the issues.

If someone from blizzard could take a look at the addon or a smart programmer could help the author it would be awesome.

But until that happens we stuck with the bad groups.