[Bug] Quest: Infiltrating the Castle

This needs to be fixed ASAP Blizzard. 3 months and not even a blue post on it.

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Trying to do this on my hunter right now. Still doesn’t work.

The bug has happened on the US West Azuresong server as well, somebody broke the quest line and hasn’t come back to finish/fix it.

This is currently bugged on US East Benediction

This is still broken.
It looks it has always been buggy…

Can blizzard reply on this please?
Or is this is once-uppon-server-restart quest meant to be?

Still broken. Bugged on US-Grobbulus, as far as I can tell. I’ve shown up a few times on different days and he always says his spybot is busy.

Tyrion’s there; Spybot’s there; no players around; but the “?” for the quest from Trias is not available. (server: Pagle)

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Until the person who failed the quest drops it from their log to retry it it will not reset. unless it is not done before server maint. Don’t bother with a help ticket because you will be told it is a UI/Addon issue and that you need to reset everything for it to show up (It wont, ask me how i know). Honestly just have to wait and keep checking or do it after server maint tuesday. And if you fail the quest drop it from your log so it doesnt get messed up for others.

Can’t start The Attack! because this is still bugged. Is there anything I can do try to remedy the issue?

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Same bug currently on Grobbulus, looks like this hasn’t ever been fixed. Wowhead comments show this bug has been around since 2.0 atleast, lmao.

Pagle too, but It’s not like we’re paying to play this game or anything… oh wait.

I think it’s long past time for something to be done. Has there even been a response since… (looks at thread date) last September? No???

Just Wow.

confirming the same issue on US - Whitemane

opened a ticket and requested GM assistance, hopefully they can address this

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Can this at least be reset during maintenance? The better part of a week (especially when it’s a known problem that’s been ongoing since around launch) is long enough to wait.

So quality. Much fun.

*If someone actually did it on purpose, suspend for disruption.

Still not working after maintenance. Stop ignoring your customers and fix your dang game.

Very frustrated about the lack of communication. If we could at least get a confirmation that it is being worked on and an ETA on fix. It would let me know so that I don’t waste my time checking each day to see if anything has been done.

Agreed, but you might want to check once more. My husband talked me into checking one last time last evening (despite it not working after maintenance), and to my surprise, it actually worked for a change. Long line of people who said they’d been waiting at least a week to do it, but at least a few of us helped each other get it done.

this is happening again cant get it to start says his spybot is not there even though he is standing right next to him

I did check it again today. It is not working on my server, Myzrael. :frowning:

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It is now working on Myzrael.

This is still bugged on Felstriker. Ticket and bug report submitted.