The armor ensembles for the Pandaren starting gear (Tian Monastery Clothing, Sun Pearl Clothing, and Vestments of Serenity, each available in three colors) seem to be bugged.
These ensembles can and will grant you Cosmetic versions of the gear, but only if you haven’t already completed their armor-restricted versions. If you’ve finished the armor-specific versions of any of these sets, the matching ensemble will refuse to let you consume it for the Cosmetic version.
Just noticed this today! I was excited because the tasseled belts being cosmetic now is really cool, but I ran into this glitch. Should we also put in an in-game bug report?
While I haven’t tried buying them yet, I suspect that this may also affect the various raid set ensembles if they’re set up the same way, where someone who might want to unlock class-agnostic versions of specific items can potentially be blocked because they’ve already completed the set with any class-locked items.
Also affected by this bug. Sucks being punished for deciding to collect these gears months ago and now I can’t get the cosmetic version of the sets, especially given how rare panda themed gear is.
The Vestments of Serenity have been apparently fixed by me buying them on a Paladin. But the others are still uncollectible. I want to be able to dress up with cosmetic variants of the entire Wandering Isles sets.
I’m seeing this also, but only for two variants of the Tian Monastery set (the white and red) and two variants of the Sun Pearl set (the… I don’t know which ones, whoops). I first tried purchasing+learning them on an evoker, thought it might be because the game was reading the armor-restricted versions as learned (because Tian Monastery is leather/mail and Sun Pearl is mail/plate), but the same two colour variants of the Tian Monastery set were unlearnable on a death knight I made this evening, so that theory’s out the window.
The uncollectible Sun Pearl sets are the Blue/Red and Brown/Green variants. I know this because I have them purchased on a Hunter on DAY TWO of the Remix and are kept in the bags because “All appearances are already in your collection” bullcorn.
This bug is not unique to remix, every ensemble in the game has been coded incorrectly to only check for unique appearances instead of all item ids that the ensemble would provide. Until now only extreme collectors noticed, hopefully this gets them to fix the problem for good.
This also affects other sets, I’ve learned. For instance, if you collected the appearances for any of the colors of the Sha-Skin warlock set, you can’t use the ensemble, even though it would grant you the non-warlock locked version of the shoulder which is unobtainable otherwise.
I have the strange issue where I learned the ‘Tian Monastery’ sets for my druid, and the appearances show up on my leather/mail/plate classes. However, when I hop onto a cloth class, only the ‘red’ set is shown completed 8/8, while the other two colors are 0/8.
This is still an issue. I cannot use the second and third Tian Monastery or first and second Sun Pearl set because I did the Pandaria intro on a leather and plate class. For whatever reason, the monk belts I know do not cause the same problem for the Robes of Quiet reflection sets. It shows the “contains 4 uncollected appearances for your class, etc” text in blue. The first Tian Monastery set does allow me to purchase and use it despite knowing parts of it.
Crazy how they’re nerfing one mob after another as people start farming them but when it comes to fixing the cosmetic stuff we’re doing all this for they can’t even be bothered to tell us they’re aware of the problem.