Bug, Paladin, Retribution, Crusading Strikes talent

bumpppp please fix paladins!

-crusading strikes not auto-attacking propperly

-crusading strikes auto attack speed is incorrect

Fixed now :smiley: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/336841?_gl=1*6l3bei*_ga*MTU2ODI0NjkxNi4xNjYxNjUxNzcw*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTY4Mzc0ODg5Ny42NS4xLjE2ODM3NDkxMDUuNjAuMC4w

I tested on a dummy and in a skrimish, weā€™re good to go

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Confirmed. Not listed on any official list of changes as of yet, but so far it is working as intended from what I can see.

Thank you Blizzard. And thank you for hotfixing it in so we didnā€™t have to wait any longer.

Im glad they mostly got this talent fixed, but auto attack combo point generation turns OFF if YOU (the ret pally) casts an absorb shield OR the mob you are attacking does the same