Bug, Paladin, Retribution, Crusading Strikes talent

Crusading Strikes is not working as intended. Normally, with the talent, auto attacks turn into Crusader Strike. Currently, whenever any action is taken, it will reset the swing timer. Therefore, Crusader Strikes will never proc/hit, unless you are sitting there doing absolutely nothing but auto attacking.

It is a massive MASSIVE damage loss to take this talent now, in it’s bugged state. Aka, a “trap” talent. Please fix.


Can confirm bug exists as described above.


can confirm that CS auto attacks won’t happen during active ability casting and only during downtime.

Auto Attack timer resets after each ability cast.


This bug existed since PTR…. They probably don’t know how to fix it

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Keep bumping threads like this, and do in game reports guys. Having a major playstyle unusable is just sad.

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It would be greatly appreciated if Blizzard would at least acknowledge this is a bug that they are trying to fix. Apparently it’s been a problem since the 10.1 PTR so maybe there are no plans to fix it.

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which is odd, I would’ve assumed it operates very similar to the devastator talent for War that’s been around for ages.

I don’t mind playing TS when I do play Ret but I would hope they fix CSAA because it’s basically 100% used in PVP.

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still doesn’t work … blizzard please beta test your coding

I have also experienced this bug, reported it in game and found several threads about it in the paladin forums. Very frustrating!

when is this getting fixed?

May 5, still not fixed

Bump…still broke

but i mean druid werebear needs a new animation for the 5% that have that skin … instead of fixing bugs that have been around since PTR

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Still bugged. And since it’s the weekend now it won’t get fixed at least for a few more days…

Still bugged on May 5th. Still no response from Dev or any message about fixing process. Is DH your dad blz? Trying to buff DH all the time and ignore this sort of talent bug

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Can confirm that the talent is still bugged as well and we simply don’t even autoattack now with it selected.

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keep posting on the main thread of the class tuning items … maybe that will get their attention…

May 6, still broken

still broken

Make sure you all report this bug in game.