[BUG] Miraculous Recovery UI/Macro/Transmog

When I’m changing my transmog pieces, it keeps snapping back to whichever page the currently select piece is on. For example, if I’m currently on/highlighting a piece on page three, if I change pages it will snap back to page three after a few seconds. It looks like the transmog page keeps resetting or something because I see the animations reload.

I’ve asked around and there were a lot of priests having this issue I did some testing. It looks like (for me at least) it only happens if I’m holy, using Oracle hero talents and specifically using the Miraculous Recovery choice node (Power Word Life CD/%, 2nd row).

If I turn that off and on or even change specs (even disc with either of those choice nodes) it’s fine and I stop getting that bug. So it’s some bug with the coding for that spell and I’m not sure exactly what.

So submitting that information here in case your experiencing that bug. Bump this and/or add your findings as well as submit a bug report ticket. For now it seems the only other options are to deal with it or drop that choice node.

Edit: Including my ‘verbiage’ for my bug report if you wanna use it and/or modify it. If it fits your situation perfect then you can just copy/paste it into the bug report in-game (? icon or ESC>Support>Submit feedback or bug report) and save yourself some time:


Stared to notice it today. I believe it was all week, but caught it today. Only on my priest, but my Priest is disc with miraculous recovery. So far can’t find a fix, other than switching specs. Hope it gets looked into and fixed.

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I had this issue as well and switching off miraculous recovery to waste no time fixed it.

Editing to add that I had the issue as Disc. So I think it’s an issue with the hero talent itself, not just that talent as holy.

I don’t think I ever would have figured out the cause of this without this post. What a weird bug.

Further edit: the issue only occurs for me when pw:life is chosen as well with miraculous recovery. If I selected benediction and MR, there’s no bug.

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Ahhh! This might be why I didn’t have the bug as disc, I might not have had that talented at the time. Good catch!

Definitely a weird bug lol

Bumping this!!! Can verify, as soon as I changed that talent ‘Miraculous Recovery’ I stopped having the issues with my transmog pages going crazy. What a strange bug…Thank you for this post this was really getting on my last nerve!

Happening to me as well. I don’t think it’s just Priests, as I have been noticing it a lot and have not played my priest much lately. However, I have 15 level 80’s right now I bounce between, so I can’t say without a lot of testing which are affected and which are not.

I can say that, as the OP points out, - Miraculous Recovery, in the Oracle Hero tree for Priest, is 100% causing it to happen. Swapping that hero talent choice node immediately stops the behavior.

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This is also happening to me right now on my BM hunter. Every time I try to look through the chests to find a better one, I get about 3-4 (sometimes more) pages through and it just brings me back to page 5 (the page where the tmog I currently have on is).

This started happening to me today on my holy priest. It’s something I’ve noticed intermittently before but I’m not even sure on what character. Today it’s persistent. Since reaching about level 70 or so (I’ve been speed-leveling today so I went from 30 to 77 in about 6 hours), I’ve been unable to scroll through the transmog options. It just snaps back to the page where my current selection is highlighted after a few seconds, no matter what page I’m on.

Very frustrating.

Priests in general seem to have transmog issues. I have another priest at level 80 that I play as disc and she constantly shows up with an off-hand and or 1H wep on her side even though I have her transmogged to have a Legion artifact staff.

This is now SO incredibly bugged, I am unable to transmog at all. I equipped a new chest piece after a dungeon run and tried to bypass the automatic scrolling back of the page by clicking on a random transmog item on each individual page, which seemed to keep it from snapping back to the page with the currently equipped item. Not sure if this bugged it out even more or…what? I tried switching out the Miraculous Recovery talent to no avail. It’s not letting me change my transmog appearances at all now.

Now, when I went to an actual transmogrifier store, it worked. It would not work on my yak.

Very annoying bug!!