(BUG LIKELY) You better grind old content now before the prepatch

ICC Does not have Legacy loot as well. It has to be a bug on the PTR then. Sent another bug report.

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Well thats good news.

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This isn’t true.

Having it take slightly less time to kill a mass pull and limiting drops to 1 piece isn’t going to “kill botters”. Botters won’t even be affected other than getting less gold for their “time”.

Sounds more like personal loot being stuck on more than anything.

ROBLOX did this since 2013. I’m not surprised since around then that mentality began to arise.

Okay, I spent several hours testing out old raids in beta and I think I figured it out.

The new drop system for legacy content works like this as near as I can tell:

You kill a boss - the system checks to see what loot said boss has as per live servers. However, the system will then remove anything your character cannot use meaning you might very well get nothing from a boss (other than a bit of gold).

I was doing this on a Boomkin and ran HoF, Terrace, ICC and Gruul’s Lair to test out my theory. For killing every single trash mob and 24bosses I got -

4 Leather Items
1 Staff
1 Ring (with intellect)

Some grey items, a bit of cloth, a few crafting materials and two recipes.

So with the AoE cap in place and the nerf to drops, there will be a lot less gold and they will take more time (though the time will drop as gear level goes up in SL).

This makes me very sad. It’s like they are deliberately removing sources of gold in game to prod sales of tokens.



Yikes. People need to be WAYYYY more vocal about this change. That is not acceptable and will borderline kill the game for many people who spend a good portion of their time doing mog runs.


As near as I can tell - it won’t have a dire effect on mog runs, I still got a few but it will severely impact any gold you get since you will no longer have extra items to sell (not a single blue or green dropped in any raid).

So lets say you were making 1500 for a Firelands run, you will now make 3-400 (if that).



I wouldnt mind if the personal loot awarded an item i actually need

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True I guess I was wrong, since it still drops stuff for your class/spec. But still pretty garbage change though. I do a log of mog runs on my Warrior because specifically it unlocks the most weapons. I wonder if daggers, bows, etc will stop dropping now.

I don’t know. I can make a warrior on the beta and check lol.


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It’s more than likely a bug. When I checked it the other day I noticed Legacy loot was not turned on.

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I made the warrior and ran a couple - no daggers or bows just a mace and a sword.




Hard to tell to be honest but just report it as a bug as much as you can. :+1:


Is it a bug though? Unfortunately with modern Blizzard you can never be sure.


@Greenthumb OP, thank you for your time in checking this! Better now to fix it and make sure its done properly instead of when the expansion releases. This same thing happened once BFA was released in August 2018.

@Blizzard please ensure legacy loot is adjusted accordingly for loot & boss health percentage wise!! PLEASE & TY !!!


That is the problem. You can’t tell but they took a long time to fix bugs or address stealth changes. :thinking:


The post level cap scaling in Legion wasn’t announced either… someone happened to be paying attention and noticed it on the PTR.

An under the radar system change put in solely to make it so that players as they got better gear take longer to kill mobs.

They only announced that it wasn’t a bug in the mob scaling systems after being caught.

So basically the personal loot change they wanted to shove through the last time.


Just hopped on ptr with my hunter and went to mythic highmaul.
Did the first boss only got one piece of loot and I didn’t seen anything about legacy loot being enable so I assume it wasn’t on.

I’m hopping this is a bug since old raid farming is how a pay for my WoW game time atm do not having a income in rl and not having the health to go out and get a job in rl :frowning_woman:


Id suggest doing some old content regardless.

Supposedly some NPCs in Shadowlands will have unique dialog if you killed them in previous expansions.