(BUG LIKELY) You better grind old content now before the prepatch

Molten Core always dropped two items per boss except Rag. It’s unchanged.

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Obviously 11 levels doesn’t make sense when you can’t outlevel the content by 11 levels… But that didn’t stop them from using that rule for a couple xpacs and locking us out of legacy loot from the previous xpac.

I really want it to just be one level. You hit 51 and you get all the loot from any old instance. Though I can see 5 being about where you stop wanting the mythic gear from the last xpac.

But I don’t think there’s a fix that will work during the pre-patch phase. I can’t think of a good way to tell if someone has outleveled the content, unless we want to use ilvl and start including BfA content immediately.

100% intended

Whoa whoa whoa… please no! How will I ever get invincible like that??? I can’t even get it now!

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Yeah I noticed I would get one item, if that, per raid or Dungeon that I did so far. It’s treating it like personal loot with items being ones I can get normally if I were able to wear them. Pets however do not seem affected by this, as I have gotten multiple pets alongside the one items. Blackwing Descent 25H and AQ20, for example, only gave me gold from bosses.

I did Black Temple up to Teron Gorefiend for an example post and here are the two images. Top being PTR, Bottom being Retail.

As you can see in the top picture I have barely any trash items, no trash weapons/armor. The only green item looted was the instance specific mark of the illidari. I have a Ton of runecloth instead of getting Netherweave. No motes of water from the elementals.

I also got 1 item from a boss which I seperated into its own bag, a pair of cloth shoulders from shade of akama, something I could ‘technically wear’ if I were of the proper level.

Whereas in the other picture I got multiple motes of water, multiple green item drops, a fair amount of trash for that far into the raid, only netherweave cloth, and I got my proper amount of raid boss loot on retail as I should.

There seems to be a big issue with legacy loot currently and it needs to be fixed.


Yeah I have to agree it is getting beyond ridiculous especially when some mounts require both a steep rep grind and a steep gold price.

That is… worrying for me at least. I like getting old gear for mogs and maybe something to vendor from these old raids. This not just a nerf bat this is like a nerf battle ax. I am very much hoping this is a bug!


I wouldn’t put it past the devs to nerf old raids like this. It will discourage plenty of farmers, forcing them into Shadowlands content where they can easily manage us all.

This sounds insanely stupid and it better be a bug.

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We won’t know this is a nerf (meaning intentional) until it’s officially addressed as such. So for now… Just keep reporting it as a bug I suppose.

It was going down the drain then they introduced classic. When it happens again they will introduce TBC servers…so probably never.

Finally got my PTR working again and can confirm Legacy Loot is turned off in Throne of Thunder so I’m siding with it being a bug.

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Question: Can you do other raids and see if the Legacy loot is on or not?

Fair point.

I’d actually enjoy TBC servers.

Well they dragged their feet on the CoT portal when it was really a simple fix of spawning a portal at a spot. :+1:

I have done raids like Mogu’shan Vaults, SoO, Hellfire Citadel just to name a few and they all have legacy loot turned off. I’m just doing my normal see whats broken in raids after squish routine. I really think now it’s a bug tied to the level squish.

This…better be a bug. If not…SMH.

Yeah I can try. I can get to ICC easily on my paladin got the teleportation tabard.

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Seems like they didn’t assign legacy loot to all the raids on the ptr yet. Probably a bug.

Better be a bug…

It’s looking like one. My PTR broke and I had to reinstall it. So I just now noticed that legacy loot was good from Throne

Alt paladin bump so I can post about ICC if it’s broken.