[bug] Bnet Toasts appearing anchored dead center of screen

title ^. been appearing since latest updates.

Previously toasts from bnet friends going offline/coming online or their text updates used to be anchored to above the chat frames but for whatever reason it seems now theyre anchoring dead center of screen itself. as if there wasnt any other more annoying place for it to be >.>


Same thing is happening to me, found this post after googling it. I thought it was an addon or something but definitely something wrong.

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Same, and it’s very annoying.

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I got the same thing since yesterday.

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Same here. Annoying to say the least.

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Same issue here as well. Started today. Turning off the social toasts in the settings does nothing.


Yep. Just started doing that for me last night. Always fun when it pops mid boss fight lol

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