I’ve noticed over the past 24-hours, That there is a display issue with Auctions listed in the Auction House.
When you go to list an item it will state it is listed for 49,711 days. Other players have also reported this as well on the Customer Support Forums.
So posting this here so Quality Assurance is aware and can work on a fix. We’ve done a complete reset of our UI and this did not resolve it.
Thanks for looking into this and hope for a resolution soon!
So do wee have to manually cancel auctions? Anyone looking into this?
Having this issue as well. Any resolution yet?
I am pretty sure it isn’t just a display issue.
I don’t remember how long I posted this but I haven’t had to repost it for days already.
and the next day it shows this
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Probably not really helping but 49,711 days is real close to 2^32 seconds. So this is almost certainly a u–'d unsigned int thing.
Just seeing this same problem today. I have some auctions with their normal listing hours. My auctions that should have expired overnight are the ones that suddenly, now, have a list time of 49710 days.
just got this for first time today on 1 item out of all my posts which was an old legion legendary. All my other auctions time ran out and in mailbox but this item still says 49709d 10 Hrs left.
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Came here to report this happened to me with some Osmenite.
My druid has a bunch of gems that also list 49k days remaining.
I got 11 auctions that show the insane time left. Carnelian, Dream Emerald, Eternal Fire, Eye of Prophecy, Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina, Green Helper Box, Living Ember, Maelstrom Sapphire, Schematic:small Seaforium Charge, Sorcerous Water, Thick Paleo Steak.
AH duration display funky.
If I select my auctions and list all they all show duration times @47910d or @47911d.
If I select specific item from my list of auctions I see anywhere from 2d, 50d, and to 47910d/47911d.
I normally list most items in their default stack sizes @ 48hrs. But if I have been away from the auction house 18hrs or so I may list more items @ 24hrs.
If I have been away from the auction house for more than 24hrs and I have more items to list I will default to 12hrs.
It appears that the 12hr listing seems to have returned earlier than those listed @ 24hrs and @48hrs; as they should.
Near as I can tell; I have not missed/lost items from the auction house or mail. But if my inbox is full; I usually have to do a reload to receive the rest of the items that didn’t sell.
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Exactly the same issue. most items i posted yesterday for 24 hrs are showing 49,711 days left some say 49 days and some 50 days. only got a few expires i had posted from wed back this eve.
And it is not just a display bug, as others have said.
My Windwool Cloth (that I listed on another character, obviously) has been up on the AH for > than 2 days. So it’s still up for auction.
I have the same issue, my auctions should have expired today, when I didn’t get them in mail I when to check and all say 49719d.
I submitted a ticket yesterday and haven’t heard anything back yet, but I literally went into my banktoon’s auctions and saw I had 22 mins remaining on a bunch, so I logged over to my main to muck around in Mechagon. Came back 45 mins later or thereabouts and…I received one item in the mail. Went into the AH and sure enough, the auctions that were set to expire? 49711 days remaining. I wonder if this is a result of them trying to fix the mailing issue from the initial patch release?
It seems that these numbers are for items that were supposed have to expired and been returned.
on the bright side, i wont need to repost my items in like forever again!
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on the downside, ours will sell last because they are so old.
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I’ve reported this as well. Some of the super long auctions have cancelled themselves but others are still going strong. Also, this is occurring with new auctions too.
I’m having the same issue on several of my characters. I did the UI reset to no avail. I’m glad the stuff isn’t lost, but I’d love to be able to repost it sooner than a few years from now
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