BUG: All fist weapon transmogs sold by Mirioszin sheath on waist instead of dissapearing, causing clipping

All the transmog version of fist-weapon mogs available for purchase from Mirioszin trough Antique Bronze Bullion have a visual bug where instead of dissapearing when sheathed like every other fist weapon your character instead will sheath them on their waist like they usually do with swords and daggers, causing terrible clipping with your character arms because these weapons are very large.

This only happens with the transmog unlocks obtained from Mirioszin. If you unlock the mogs trough getting the actual weapon from the bosses themselves the bug will not happen and the weapon will dissapear as usual when sheathed.

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Brother why are you buying the tmog gear now… what saving it so you can buy actual gear next week

Because i’m focusing on a single character this season and have another 7 lv 70s alts that I’m not planing to gear up so i might as well make use of them by putting them on mog hunting duty for next expansion.


Fair cop tbh

Adding new findings. The fist weapons not just sheath on the waist when they shouldn’t. But they also seem to have have a predefined character model height on their position regardlessly of wich race you are playing. Causing some… interesting results when used by shorter races as seen here ~imgur.com/AxKT4s3

A lot of the weapons are sheathed incorrectly it seems. Polearms are backwards.

I had to manually enter the info into the URL field so that it’d load properly.  Here’s an easier link: