Buffing ele without breaking them in PVP

Before people get up in arms about the state of ele in pvp, yes, it is awesome. I have been one-tapping people as ele since phase 1 and back then we were broadly considered the worst class for pve and pvp, but people seem to forget that.

But I want to talk about pve. I would like to direct you to look at current Testwerk logs, where ele is dead last and doing literally 1/2 the single target dps as a rogue or fire mage. Sure, AOE will be a different story but we will also most likely be oom in any prolonged AOE circumstance.

Here is some ideas on how to buff ele in pve without making the pvp imbalance worse than it is:

Buffing Lightning Bolt. This could be done by buffing the cast reduction totem to make it .3-.5 seconds off lightning bolt cast time. However, I am not a big fan of borrowed power, and this is not a permanent fix if another ele totem is added later to replace it. A buff to Lightning Bolt is not a huge pvp buff, it is rare that I will cast that over anything else in a pvp situation unless I am completely free to cast as a turret, which hardly ever happens. If I have 2 seconds free to cast, it’s lava burst or CL, or LHW.

Power surge procs should be free, or at least greatly reduced mana cost. Mana is a huge issue on the PTR, and the sham rage nerf really gutted our sustain.


I think blizz just needs to fix Ele’s consistent damage, like you stated with lightning bolt. The biggest issue is their burst is just extremely high, which is what breaks them in pvp sadly. Having lava burst be able to proc anotheer lava burst for an insane burst of damage is painful lol.
Somehow lower the burst but buff the consistent damage would be a good change for the class.

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lets talk about balance before buffing.
lava burst change from 100 crit go 30 increase crit. this is sod not retail, so lets not copy paste from retail.

overpower proc chance to be more on a tier system, with 60% lightning bolt to 25% lava burst.

burn rune to be separate to 3 different runes, 1 for extra 2 application of flame shock, 2 for increase flame shock damage, 3 for increase spell power. not all together.

riptide to be enabled only with water shield, this would block lava burst with riptide combo

way of earth to be enabled with only with alpha rune or stormstrike.

these needs to happen before any buffs to lightning bolt.
also i was able to do chain lightning indefinitely with rank 1 earth strike spams and light shield rune. so no, you wont go oom if you play it right.


Nerf ele shaman in pvp should be their priority before anything else in the game period right now tbh but yeah more sustained and less burst is a fine direction to go if SoD had devs who had a clue

let’s talk about balance

Ok then let’s talk balance, not throwing the entire spec into the gutter because it’s been oppressive

Also the posting from a lvl 50 retail shaman trying to pose as a sod shaman is a nice touch

They should be more consistent ramp up oriented to not break pvp more. Really rogues should have been the same, they did it to melee hunters and other classes and I think that is the way to go.


do you mean some stacking debuff like shadow weaving for spriests?

I suppose something like that for nature dmg with lightning bolt being our filler spell

I don’t know an exact solution but yea something along those lines.

I do agree with you here. (And have been saying since end of P1 that the rune abilities are all tuned too high, including lava burst in there with Void plague and such…)

PvP needs to be slowed down considerably on the damage side…

try alliance bg a few times then come back and say if its balance too much nerf.
ele is at least 3 nerfs before any sort of balance in pvp front.

as for pve, ppl has given out the solution over and over again. increase lightning bolt sustain and decrease rng from lava burst. simple yet never going to happen with current devs

See if you can take a moment and understand why nobody should take you seriously for commentary such as this.

No definition, just pure emotion.
(And upon looking all 3 of your posts…this is a sockpuppet you made to complain in Shaman threads.)

Ele has always done a ton of damage.

What makes them broken in pvp is their access to crazy survivability and healing talents.

Earth shield, riptide, etc need to be toned down or moved to compete with damage runes.

so much needs to be done to ele.
all the multi functional runes.
all the riptide, way of earth, wolfs needs to compete directly with lava, overload, surge of power runes.