So my holy priest officer in guild informed me that Lightsmith was buffed pretty good and is now wrecking Herald… yet herald gets no buff?
And they also made beacon of virtue cost another 5% mana…seriously?
Please buff Herald so I don’t have to switch to a melee heal build, thanks. Been caster healer for 20 years, and I don’t want to have to be forced to start meleeing like a fricking monk. Thnx Blizzard, bye.
wasn’t herald buffed already? lightsmith been trash from the start it’s about time.
do agree caster pally ftw and if lod didn’t suck we wouldn’t be using beacon so much. give us better aoe, no one likes lod ffs.
the biggest buff that lightsmith got is “Tempered in Battle” and “hammer and Anvil” if u are crit base + double dipping it with Truth Prevails. other than that the shielding mechanic/absorption pads the meter.
it is not trash from the beginning it is just lacking, you can top heal with it on heroic palace as long as u have the reduce cd and purposely placing it on the tank who’s taking damage. it pads the meter.
Herald received a mana nerf not long ago (Hpal as a whole but LS is significantly less affected).
Well Lightsmith received significant buffs back to back in the last month or so (Mostly with Avenging Crusader) while Herald and Hpal as a whole received some nerfs, so now LS AC is currently the way to go in both M+ and Raid.
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maybe they won’t always be so drastically different the rest of TWW
i am all about casting as a paladin like i have been since 2004! Castadin for life.
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