Buff X45 Heartbreaker MORE

I def think it’s long overdue for people to understand that these <1% droprate mounts from a form of content that can be completed in 5 mins by a half-trained dog isn’t really prestigious other than the fact that it is held behind a .03% droprate and only even doable for like 2 weeks per year. No one looks at someone with the Love Rocke and goes “Damn, that’s someone that really does the crazy content” like they often do when you see someone with a Mythic Raid mount when that raid is fresh content. They look at it and go “Cool, that lucky sob won the lottery”

If nothing else, I kinda wish these types of mounts at least dropped directly from the boss instead of a proprietary item in your bags so they could be traded between members of the party if you get doubles. I got 2 Brewfest Kodos to drop for me on the same year (still no ram!) and I can’t decribe how awful it felt to have to just delete it instead of being able to make someones day in that group

I’m not saying we should change the all-year farmable rare raid and dungeon mounts, but the way these rewards are handled for event content that can’t even be accessed for 95% of the year definitely needs to be reworked.

Signed, Magic Rooster owner who couldn’t care less if Colonel Sanders personally handed everyone a chicken on login tomorrow


Here is something:

Seems weird huh? Is that trying to say I have received 4 during 16k attempts?

ALL of this. The rarity of this mount is insanity for something only available for 2 weeks a year.


Lol its more logically consistant to want quicker access to something that people are paying for access to for over a decade at this point.

Obviously somewhere between instant gratification and possibly never despite x numbers of years exists and would make the game feel better to more players. Instead of carrying over the epeen measuring contests which don’t sit as well with modern gamers as it used to in the early 2000s.

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My point.

Dunno, think your addon is just being funky.

Been playing since 2009, just got the mount last year… cry more

Translation: buff it until it drops for me

I hope more folks get it soon.

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Why not just make it purchasable?

It’s telling you that it’s tracked 4 kills. the 16k is the average needed for (almost) 100% guaranteeing the mount. so you’re at 4 attempts.

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Thanks and that may be correct for that account.

I agree and am bumping this

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Hi Artemisha,

I know the CC forums are also ignored, since Halite did a great post about this mount a long time ago, but could you raise awareness again if you feel in the mood for that?

I know that you’re doing more alts that me and you’ve like 2900+ attempts, I don’t know if Devs considered that a player with a single character could reach that amount of attempts in like 190+ years, maybe this 1 attempt per day fix the issue for future years of trying this grind but we don’t even know the drop rate and I don’t think WoWhead will have a value since there’s a mix of data between the first attempt and the alts.

Maybe if there’s more transparency about the new drop, I won’t do 52 runs per day that requires a lot of time due to instance limit issues in my case and after that I don’t want to play wow more during these weeks.

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I’m now 0/84 this year, 0/1258 overall.



Haha I feel that.

0/240 this year so far, 5315 overall.


Just give it to everyone for free for doing nothing.

The data is going to be rough to sort and will most likely take the entire event to get a good set.

but if you get it. then you have nothing to look forward to next year. since i finished every holiday event achievements and toys and pets and mounts years and years and years ago, everytime a holiday event comes up i am sad and lost because there is nothing for me to do.

You can still collect candy buckets and make some nice gold off the…sometimes I do it even though I finished it years ago…

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don’t be a jerk, you know it is.