Buff warrior - remove titans grip penalty

Hunters in TBC were S+ tier all expansions and they got a legendary. Blizzard doesnt balance are legendries. Almost no one gets a legendary.

And they should be happy this legendary system is guaranteed to get you a legendary.

Ret doesn’t go to top 5 with it. Why are warriors not content unless they’re S tier?

You’ve had access to all legendarys outside of 1. You’ve been the strongest melee dps in classic. And even so you somehow think you deserve to be S tier again? You should be content with middle of the pack


Vanilla and TBC are irrelevant to Wrath balancing

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Warrior entitlement never stops amazing me.


That’s a convenient take from warriors


The craziest thing about all the complaining is that in ICC Warriors will almost surely be topping overall boss damage. Apparently top 5 single target and the best cleave in the game isn’t good enough.

Hence why I find the fury whine far worse than the rets because they at least deserved a buff.
Even AFTER the buff they are under fury and furies STILL complain.

the issue is theyre bottom tier, and dont have anywhere near the utility of a feral or ret

give warriors d sac, battle rez, innervate, or some S+ tier healing/tank specs and maybe you’d have a point

They have utility.

They are literally brought more than the top melee DPS spec lmfao.


I can go to WCL and verify that you are 100% wrong. If youre talking overall, including guilds that cant down any hardmodes, then sure warriors might not be 0-1 because those groups dont optimize anything and theyre super bad.

World first level guilds take 0-1 though, because warriors are rock bottom. They have one semi-useful shout so if you have a prot warrior, you bring 0 dps warriors.

I don’t know - it’s almost the exact same expectation Rogues had in TBC. Bottom to average through most of the expansion, then S tier with a legendary set.

I think the idea that Fury should expect to be middle of the pack by ICC and S tier with the legendary is pretty spot on.

My position on this is that I still think that’s exactly how it will pan out - even without any buffs. With what we have now though it’s not easy to predict. Ulduar mechanics literally grief Warriors more than any class. The SIMS are not at all accurate at measuring cross class performance. We just can’t know at this point how it will pan out.

ToGC has a much more favourable encounter design profile for Warriors and I expect that to have an impact on our relative position. If it doesn’t I think there would be a clear case for buffing Warriors. But now is premature to say that.

too bad this isnt the case

also, what about hunters? S+ tier all expac then S++. They dont balance around legendaries. You guild might get a couple before the game is over, and they might opt to give it to the blood dk or ret instead of you now lol.

Well - old Blizzard didn’t. This new Blizzard does whatever it wants on the day apparently … but that’s another topic.

And that’s the other thing here - I don’t want anymore kneejerk buffs. I don’t trust the devs to do it right. I want it done right if done at all. If that means waiting to see what a stronger set of data suggests then so be it. Lets not push to become the next Feral…

Proper changes would be, reduce TG penalty to 5% and have a minor glyph that makes shatter instant but not break immunity effects/apply 5 sunders. Feral change makes the faerie fire increase CD by 2 seconds so rather than a 20% buff (nerfed to 18%) its like a 12% buff, whatever. And make rets reckoning glyph do less attack power coefficient to undead because theyll inevitably do a lot more damage in ICC as it is, but this can be held off to see how theyre doing. Their icc set + bis + all undead could become out of hand with the 10% buff Aggrend gave himself but we’ll see.

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And they still lost to Fury and Warlock on overall damage. Just like literally every single legendary so far besides Warglaives, just because you have a legendary doesn’t mean you will be top damage. Especially a legendary that will be basically as rare as any other ICC HM drop.

rogues are doing 70k dps on trash in wotlk, i dont think anyone cares about that

I mean my data is from wcl lmfao.


Fury is the 8th most brought spec.

It has 25,000 more parses than the top melee DPS.

Top right you can click “parses”, click it 2 times to list it on highest to lowest.

Fury is 8th

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Rogues knew what we were going to be. Thats why these forums weren’t lit with rogues asking for balance changes.

All sims point to fury being a top tier melee dps with it. Even if they ended up as A tier with it that should be perfectly acceptable.

I dont care what grey groups that cant kill Thorim are doing.