Buff Unstable Affliction/Endless Affliction dispel damage

Would love to test it but haven’t got any yet. The red punch card from mechagon that procs ~1200 haste looked very interesting too

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There are a few trinkets that look powerful.

Shiver Venom Relic


Leviathan’s Lure

Really liking the idea of the first one.

where is my UA dispel damage buff blizzard.

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Hopefully Tuesday.

Lol what 10k damage per UA in a dispel isnt good enough? I’ve literally had healers drop themselves to 40% when they dispel all my dots and then we swap and kill them when they are still in the silence.

There’s an 8 sec cd on dispel. You can get 3-5 UA’s easily on a target as soon as they dispel if you have good positioning. If i get 3 UAs and a darkglare off the target is dead if they do not use cooldowns or dispel.

Everyone wants to do immediate damage here yet that is not the design of an AFF lock. I don’t think you guys truly understand the concept of damage OVER TIME. It’s a rot game, you play to survive while whittling down their health, do not to try and out dps the people attacking you. Let others make the mistake. You need to find your moment and capitalize on it.

Oh my bad, I’ve been fighting healers with 250k hp instead of 125k this whole time :upside_down_face:

If you can only do 125k damage you might want to try practicing on the dummies.

That’s not what I said. I said I fight healers with 250k hp, meaning when they dispel a 5 stack unstable affliction, they don’t drop to 40% hp.

I mean the patch just hit, healers usually had around 200k hp. And usually if they are dotted they aren’t going to be at 100%. You typically don’t tend to stack 5 UA’s on someone at 90% or above if they have the potential to dispel.

If they do dispel 5 UA’s at least you know that’s 50k-60k instant damage and you can swap accordingly while they are in the 4 second silence and also have their dispel down so you can get dots back up or get a full cc on their teammates.

You need to be positioning yourself in a spot where you can reapply dots while their dispel is down or fast cc if you expect to be dispelled. It’s all about keeping the pressure on. You will know you are doing it right when the enemy team starts to panic and trust me it feels glorious.

Good healers will be at nearly full hp though. A 15 stack agony and corruption only do ~4k dps, and that’s if your agony isn’t getting dispelled constantly. Most healers can easily do 4k hps with just instants. The worst part is, all the good dps specs right now can do 4k hps passively, before you even consider defensive traits.

50-60k is nothing when people have 250k health, and it took you 5 hard casts in a row. Destruction can do nearly twice that, and fire mages nearly triple that in the same amount of time, and they have multiple schools to cast from. Good players won’t allow affliction to cast that many UA’s often enough to make a difference.

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Only two healers are able to dispel agony. Shamans and druids. My agony is doing 50k damage by itself over its full duration. Corruption is 20k-30k dot. Add a 10k haunt and an extra 10% and 10-20k UA with additional 10%. Then curse of shadows for an additional 20% dot damage. Capitlize on dispel windows with the fact that most healers (besides rsham/monk) can only dispel one target. The difference between destruction damage is that its unfront and requires you to actively be on the target. Affliction you need to use the full duration length of your dots, not only does this make for a longer fight duration but it also enables you to be active on other targets or with cc while your getting your damage out. This does not mean you are doing less damage. I actually find that I burst for more overall damage. However, the damage is over time and therefore has potential to be healed through instead of taking damage upfront.

Heres my burst, agony, corruption on target, curse of shadows, cast a ua, haunt, dump rest of ss. If they dont kick me or use a defensive I will throw down the dark glare. Then I deathbolt and they go to the graveyard.

People only have one kick, you need to learn how to bait the kick and when an acceptable time to go all in is.

Not sure what you are doing wrong. I have arena clips where people get absolutely annihilated.

I’ve been playing affliction since 2009, I am extremely familiar with how it works. I’m telling you affliction is in a bad spot, and a large part of this is because we don’t have good dispel protection.

I notice most of your games are in the 2v2 bracket, go play some 3v3 and see if your perception changes. I also notice you’re currently playing against opponents in the ~1600 range. When you fight against stronger/smarter opponents, the weaknesses of the spec will become more apparent.

Affliction damage in 2v2 where the game starts at 25% dampening feels a lot different than 3v3.


Bro its the first week into the new season that just started of course my rating is going to be low. I’ve been playing this game since 2006. I know what I am doing.

I play double dps in 2s and its for fun with my irl buddy. I do 3s and rbgs if I want to actually compete. I know affliction is not as good as it used to be but it’s nowhere as bad as people are making it out to be.

At least demo is fun.

It is as bad as people are making it out to be. Affliction and demonology are barely gladiator viable, and aren’t even close to being competitive options for pushing rank one titles in high end 3v3 arena.


I think thats more of a you thing tbh. Not everyone is pushing rank one titles. Affliction amd demonology are definitely gladiator viable.

It’s not just a me thing though. There were probably only a couple players, if any at all that got gladiator from 3v3 last season strictly playing affliction or demo.

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I mean theres not that many warlocks to begin with and the majority are going to be playing with something they can easily find a pug with.

I mean I typically only push 2200+ every season, but I felt what Nevercurse is talking about even though I don’t push R1 or Glad. So certainly not just a him thing.

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So since we saw no tuning pass this Tuesday I am assuming there won’t be anything done for pvp. Season 3 will just be season 2 over again?

Looks like it. gg

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