Buff Unstable Affliction/Endless Affliction dispel damage

Rdruid/lock seemed by far the strongest in 2s, while 3s felt best with a spriest/boomkin/frost mage. Tried some with rsham in 3s, but rdruid feels infinitely better right now

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I complained about this for years…good luck!!
It seems to get worse over time…lol pun!
no seriously, UA has always been a false Dot. They take a lot of pressure off healers because they fear people wont heal as much but in doing so they screw game design instead of going another direction. Now everyone in BFA has shields and self heals and its really dumbed down the warlock and game play over many years. Well i could write a wall of text about it but i spent enough years complaining about UA and i got a lot of backlash for it…again…good luck


I had played earlier this season with a survival hunter in 3s; before I gave up on trying to make aff work. Don’t remember the healers we used but I would imagine it would work well with either Rdroo or rsham, and maybe even a really good hpal. The comp was working extremely well early season prior to all the pve items being implemented and may still be very good.
Possibly give it a go. I just lost all interest this season in 3s due to the state of aff. Have never enjoyed destro so I’m just kinda farting around until something changes.

Also, lets keep this going until blue-izzard gives some love.

Just posting to say I love your guild name. You might appreciate the license plate on my car reads AFF4LFE.


What about a silence effect for removing it. or a transfer effect to the person that removes it.

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love it 10char

The punishment needs to be compounding and punishing enough to really consider whether it is worth dispelling. At this point there isn’t a need for this internal debate, but to properly be effective it will either need a longer interupt, more damage from the dispell, or any other punishing factor.

Just needs something more than what it is now.

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bump for justice

bump for justice

aff lock is such a failed redesign

we need to just go back to wrath. there’s so much wrong with this spec its not worth salvaging it’s so garbage

RNG resource reliance
new talent tree causing formerly baseline spells to be talent ‘choices’
grimsac reliance
CD and UA stacking dependence for meaningful damage
no passive self heal
no passive DR
no drain soul execute
no felpup self dispel
no 30% HoT reduction
no shadow ward
no 70% shadowflame slow
no curse of exhaustion
no full uptime on curses

this spec is a go-to example of the problems with modern Blizzard. we are now just crap boomkins in pvp

see you guys in classic


Anyone have an idea of what our go to neck traits will be for rated pvp? RBGs and arenas?

I’m planning on running Conflict of strife major -
memory minor or focusing iris minor.

I want to test it out as a pair as I believe the heal and vers proc from R3 -Memory of lucid dreads combined with the vers and defensive double benefit from Conflict will allow AFF to be far more tanky and hopefully live longer.

I really want to try Condensed Life Force as the major

Blood of the Enemy + The Unbound Force for minors.
I feel like those two would play well off of each other.

Rank 3: Your critical strikes with spells and abilities grant a stack of Blood-Soaked, increasing Critical Strike by 8. Upon reaching 40 stacks, you gain 548 Haste for 8 sec.

Rank 3: When an ability fails to critically strike, you have a high chance to gain Reckless Force. When Reckless Force reaches 20 stacks, your critical strike is increased by 70% for 4 sec.

Bump for visibility and maybe even an explanation/response.

we do have self heal if you talent into it. siphon life.

but yess i miss drain soul execute.
and i really miss felpup dispell. I cant tell you how many times i have tried to click his action silence while trying to dispell myself… GRR.

no COE sucks… paladins have a slow. mages have a slow. hunters have a slow. deathnights have slows…

I also miss life tap. and my shadow bolts actually doing decent damage.


What is it as an afflock you’re going to do in 4 seconds? it’s too rng to plan DB around, you might barely get 2 sbs out.

Check the wowhead guide on essences as a good place to start and wait for lockonestopshop to get updated for sure.

70% crit on deathbolt is huge, I was thinking of using Reckless force as my major. Use the on use major part and phantom + deathbolt, pretty decent burst

Could also try bursting with inevitable demise and drain life but hard to do when trained

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I think I’ll use Reckless Force as minor at 55. Save the crit for Deathbolt. Reason being is that the CDs don’t sync up. Unbound higher rank is 45 sec but Deathbolt is 30. Have to see how fast it stacks for the crit window

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It is Tuesday boys! Time to grind for that BiS Major essence from the raid so that we have it in pvp LuL.

Any obvious must haves from the new raid for pvp?
I noticed the staff looks very strong that has the heal.