Buff specs like Ret and Enhance in 2v2. Make double DPS comps as good as healer comps

Hi, guys. I just came back to the game a couple weeks ago. I heard that Ret was super broken after the rework, but I didn’t play it during that time. I hope everyone can keep an open mind to my suggestion to buff certain specs, classes, and comps in 2v2.

I know Ret is good in 3v3 and solo shuffle, but I enjoy playing 2’s with my friend and I think that this bracket should get some attention. Just glancing at Drustvar, the highest rated Ret is around 2.3k (pretty low). My friend and I have so far gotten to around 1900 with Arms-Ret and 2050 with Ret-Disc. We can push these a little further as we play more and improve, but there’s clearly a wall that we’ve already begun to hit.

Ret and Enhance (the latter is even worse off) could be given healing debuff PvP talents, but I dislike that solution. If anything this utility is already spread too wide. No, my idea is that double DPS comps in general should be a real alternative to healer comps, and that Ret double DPS comps should have more of a hybrid feel to them than something control-oriented like rogue-mage.

But Ret is designed in Dragonflight so that it can barely play the hybrid at all. Some players don’t like when off-healing exists as utility, but I believe that when a core ability like WoG is nerfed by half in PvP it’s as if Polymorph were reduced to a 4 sec duration. In fact, I agree with mages who are upset that Poly was reduced to 6 sec (that’s not how I would have addressed there being too much micro CC).

But long story short is this: I know Ret is already good in PvP that “matters,” and it’s certainly not the only spec or even entire class that struggles in 2’s. What I’m suggesting is that the 2’s bracket be a little more balanced and a lot more open to different sorts of comps. And on a more selfish note, I hope that an upcoming patch or expansion will shift Ret’s design: I’d actually prefer no LoH in arena, but a much more powerful WoG and FoL along with PvP talents more interesting than a 2% output raid buff.

Thanks for reading, and feel free to discuss any other specs that need help in 2v2.

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Bold assumption

I will, whether or not you tell me to and no matter what topic you point at


They just need to buff off healing. For enh and feral specifically, ret doesn’t need anything more than they already have.

2s is not to be balanced around.


It is the original meme bracket.

You’re about to be visited by the same 2 or 3 posters that will tell you ret is omegagigaultra SSS tier and that it needs to lose half its dmg, half its talents and healing for the game to be playable.

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I was just framing the topic. It’s weird if you took those lines personally.

What is that, a catechism? It’s always been a popular bracket and removing titles from it was a mistake. It’s more rock-paper-scissors than 3’s, but surely we can fix it when specs massively underperform or double DPS comps nearly disappear.


It would be, but I didn’t. Goml

In like, wrath, sure. I think it’s far too late to reverse course on that though

And is the we with that power in this thread with us?

Sure we can fix specs.

Blizzard however can not.

You would have 5 comps competing for titles, because they’re all, as you said, rock paper scissors. Anything else is just getting good qs or winning because of degen mistakes.

One easy fix that could help is make it so the healing debuff only effects the team with the healer. When you are double dps and there’s a healer on the other team, EVERYONE in the game starts off with 20% weaker heals via dampening. So if you are a spec that relies on actual heals as your defensives, you are put at a disadvantage just because the other team has a healer.

You sound like a professional victim at this point. Maybe you can find somewhere else to be offended.

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These forums are so toxic. i think OP has a point, Make double dps 2s great again.


They way you fix 2s for double dPs is reverting healer trinket change and reverting stamina buff

I can only imagine a game where we have weekly tuning for first 8 weeks of a patch then bi weekly tuning after to aggressively make outliers tow the line.

In this same game there would be specific class aura tuning for 2v2, 3v3, and BGS.

That game aint WoW, sorry.

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I saw an enh heal one healing wave for 535k. Rets word of glory heals for 100k.

I am not saying the specs have comparable kits or that rets healing should be the same. im just pointing out that rets healing is pretty bad and the gameplay of choosing between a heal and damage is not there because of how bad it is.

Your 4 posts will not be evicting me, sock puppet

Do you have a screenshot of this imaginary healing SURGE (not wave)?

That is what you’re saying.

If only you read the rest of my sentence, then you wouldn’t be so wrong about my intentions.

If only comp viability wasn’t balanced around having MS, this game would be so much better. ;(


Make healer teams fight only one another like skirmishes do

Old pre 1600 matchups had tons of double dps in goofy comps just capping weekly, healers on srs bznss would fly past

People QQ about a dead 2’s ladder? Well yeah, you have to have a walking raid boss of hp/ sustain/ defensives just to win a match now at 0 rating

Fighting a 2k mmr team on my second game of the season with a sweaty resto chaininv cyclone was not fun