Buff Primal Strike

Give it a cd, make it hit hard, and let us embrace our hybrid melee/caster class fantasy IMMEDIATELY. Thanks.

? Wut? Ain’t no way you tryin to force ele and resto into melee.

Not forcing anything. It would be an option.

Or, if you will, player agency

The WoW playerbase doesn’t allow for this, not the devs. Either it is strong enough to be in your rotation, thus mandatory, or it is not and is ignored. The players made the game like this, not the devs.

Primal strike go brr

But then people will start demanding primal strike buffing talents in an already crowded talent tree.
I’m glad they took out Maelstrom weapon from the shaman tree and kept it to just Enhance now, so Primal Strike would do something similar in the same way Maelstrom procs were dead weight for Elemental.

I just want to bonk people as resto for the meme, honestly

Flurry should still be in the class tree tho. Plenty of stuff that is useless for enh in the class tree, y’all can spare one spot in the corner.