Buff Priest Survivability

Hello I am a gnome, it would be so helpful if Blizz buff priests all spec survivability by 40% thank you! I think maybe 40% passive damage reduction for all priests. Ok cute! beep boop the computer


Enh Shamans and Hunters cry in the corner.

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Priest could use an update to Angelic Feather or something , when thinking about my other healers they move faster in general because they don’t have to stop casting to move, H Pally, MW Monk, Druid, and flying around Evoker. Rarely do I have an issue moving with my other healers, especially melee healers, but the Priest sometimes just barely makes it out of the bad.

Priest needs some love with its movement speed skills which may help our survival.

The Gnome speaks God’s tongue.
Harken to the Gnome!
Do the Bidding!!

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I don’t want to be tankier.

I just want some reasonable means to get the melees off me.

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The biggest issue I’m seeing with Priests on high keys is you get slammed so hard by every physical ability. You take 20-30% more damage from the archers and scouts in BRH.

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The interesting thing is we have quite a bit of survivability… in theory. In practice—in higher level PvE— it’s buggy or missing.

  • Focused Will – 15/30% DR after being struck by a melee attack. Problem is those melee attacks are ~one shots or don’t occur before they’re needed for other things
  • Angelic Bulwark – a (paltry) absorb after being hit by an attack that reduces health below 30% … if it worked that way. It could be a cheat death if it functioned as intendedwritten … would be nice considering it’s a Capstone but currently it’s pretty weak even compared to basic options for other specs higher in their tree

If there was a way for Focused Will to be incorporated more reliably that’d greatly improve things.

Mobility is another matter… but I’d be absolutely fine with remaining relatively immobile if Restitution were accessible and not directly competing with necessary throughput.