Buff Paladin

Paladin weak af, wtf u doin blizz, you nerfed them like 5-6 times now and haven’t included a single positive change in like 3 phases.

Paladins are fine. Try something other than ret.

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Ret is fine though. Granted the meta shaman/boomie/hunter makes it tough but we blast and don’t go oom after pressing 3 buttons.

But you need an absurd amount of gear to feel good with Ret and have to raid. The PvP set itself doesn’t give you enough damage. Either you go 4 parts T2 or the 6 part T1 bonus with the 2 set T2 bonus.

Hyper delusional.

I smell fear of a broken class being nerfed

Skill issue.

Lololololol = 11 char. This post deserves a bonus.

Remove Seal Twisting too.

I’m sick of seal twisting and exorcism spam. We are also the only class that can’t hit our hit cap. Even Shamans get spell hit in talents.

There are minor things Blizzard could do to fix the class, like adding spell hit to Precision or make Righteous Vengeance tick every second (so when a mob dies, the DPS loss is minimal—I understand this would make the ticks smaller amounts, but would even out DPS). But it seems they want Ret to be middle-of-the-pack Andys.

They could do things like make Sanctity Aura a passive effect onto any aura the Paladin has active to promote group utility. Self healing, mana regen are both problems that could use attention. Wild Strikes being non-existent outside of raid groups because nobody plays cat… It’s not rocket science.