Buff Outlaw! Breakdown of PvP dps between specs (Ridiculous)

Plain and simple Outlaw needs to be buffed. There’s no way around it.

In a PvP skirm match I casted a total of 41 dps spells. (Outlaw). I was up against a Assa Rogue who casted a total of 25 dps spells (Assa).

Okay with total casts in mind my overall damage done was 17.52 Million damage (Outlaw). The Assa Rogues total damage done, boy you’re gonna love this, was 50.01 MILLION DAMAGE (Assa). And to throw salt on an open wound their enemy healer did 20.22 million damage at a grand total of 15 casts… Really. a Healer out dpsed a dps spec just chillin throwing a couple casts.

Explain how that is even remotely fair. I did everything right I weaved and squeezed every dps modifier possible to it’s fullest and it’s not even CLOSE to enough to the other spec not even trying. Now I’m not asking for a nerf to Assa I’m simply saying, C’mon stop kidding ourselves Outlaw damage is so bad it needs attention.

Buff Outlaw


Agreed, I feel like forum feedback isn’t super visible to the developers, but in-game method for feedback isn’t showing.

The DPS of outlaw has been consistently outclassed by the other rogue specs pre-/post- 11.1 patch. Even according to IcyVein raid DPS log. It might seem higher on their raid lists relative to other classes pre-11.1 patch, but that’s because it performs as a single-target spec that’s suitable for raid bosses. Other classes/specs below it, have access to better and reliable AOE damage. Post 11.1 patch, the damage gap is even greater, which is concerning considering like mentioned previously, it’s predominantly a single-target class. The flaws in the spec are more obvious in the lens of battleground.

In battlegrounds, it’s severely underwhelming. The 6% DPS buff was appreciated from the 11.1 patch, but that has been offset with the removal of the “stamina brawler” PvP spec. This caused no significant change in damage post 11.1 patch release. The AOE buff from 11.1 patch showed barely any difference. In AOE damage still pales in comparison to the superior assassin spec. In comparison, to the assassin spec, it surpasses the class both in single and AOE damage. It has an AOE ability on no cooldown, stronger baseline damaging abilities, and has access to stronger toxins. Outlaw rogue’s Blade of Fury has a small range and is on cooldown, and when you even invest in AOE talents, it takes away from the single-target damage that’s already suboptimal as it relies on crits that can only reach 1 million damage (Between the Eyes) maybe 5% of the time with buffs.

I saw the March 4th update won’t provide outlaw rogue with any changes. However, the already superior spec, assassination, will be getting one. With the conservative meticulous buffs from 11.1, it makes me concerned that outlaw is being appraised higher than how it actually performs.


I do not use talents/gearing methods that were popular last season, because I knew with the gutting of PVP talents it would be an uphill climb for Outlaw and Sub.

That is where Trickster tends to offer more consistency with extra attacks to amplify Outlaw’s own extra attacks. Lower CD on Kspree and Blind really helps the spec not be bogged down so much and actually survive better. The variance of Fatebound for PVE might be “okay” but for PVP it is really bad given that the spec is back to being hyper reliant on RTB buffs. You can still make it work but you need to stack haste by a large margin to function without PVP talents.

What I mean is that you can not start to do damage/burst until you have the right set of RTB buff rolling for your go time.

So Outlaw is back to square one where it is hyper reliant on rolls to do damage in PVP like it was in Legion.

I have tested this out and compared to Systemlands, DF and BFA Outlaw is heavily reliant on RTB buffs to do damage again. In previous expansions you could avoid relying on RTB buffs due to legendaries, corruption gear, dreadblades, etc.

But that is no more.

If you have Buried Treasure up for example as a single roll you are not doing any real damage in PVP unless you have taken all the energy talents which is not likely for most people that play Outlaw in PVP.

So Outlaw is back to fishing for buffs in PVP which is why all the RTB talents or at least 2 out of 3 are mandatory to function properly and do damage with a lucky roll.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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I don’t mind the gimmicky “RNG buffs” (it kind of has been their shtick), but if we are going to continue to roll in that direction for the spec, we can at least make the baseline strong enough on its own.


Hey I know, lets just force the absolute garbage ability that is roll the bones for 9 more years :grinning:


I agree. Or at least a buff to our spenders so they feel like they actually chunk something rather than slowly chip at people’s health bar.

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I’d be happy to review your damage profile if you need help doing more damage on Outlaw.


yeah, outlaw right now is… pretty bad.