Seriously. If killing any mob in a kill-mission inside the Time Rifts gives 2 Flakes and 1 Reputation with Soridormi then you absolutely NEED to buff the fluff missions.
If I get a kill Underoth, Void, Vrykul etc mission I’m probably getting between 100-200 rep per one and a half minute segment on top of the flakes.
If you get “throw murlocs back into the portal” and it takes two minutes for TWENTY REP???
If you get the “disable azerite” things where you run around it takes one and half minutes for TWENTY REP AGAIN.
Pull these roots for a minute and a half for TWENTY REP.
Do this mission NO ONE ELSE is doing but ticks down at 1% rates for three and a half to four minutes for TWENTY REP WOOOOO!
It is literally quicker to fly out of the area, fly back and talk to soridormi than sit there wasting your 2-3 minutes for twenty rep. Twenty. Rep. Where any combat mission yields anywhere between 100-200 rep for a one and a half minute segment.
Yes, this is definitely not ‘mandatory’ content and is a bonus but please for the love of god make the rewards actually genuine for the people who waste their time doing the awful garbage events.