Buff legacy BoE drops for transmog. I just spent $140 to acquire 2 pieces

These are part of Monk T20 LFR recolor set - boots & belt.

  1. Farmed it for a very long time myself across multiple toons (+2 monks)
  2. Bought token on Monk#1, Found it on Stormreaver, xferred, aaand it was gone ($45)
  3. Found Boots on ZulJin where I had toon on, it was 200k so x2 tokens ($40)
  4. Found Belt on KT where I had toon on, bought 1 token ($20)
  5. Bought x3 xfers pack for $35 to xfer tiib frin ZJ to KT and my monk from Stormreaver back to KT.

Let’s do the math. $140

Yeah. Scrw you Blizzard. You’re lucky I like this set.

Buff legacy drops. Stop being :poop:bags. And no, not mad about money. Pennies for me personally. Just the fact that boots and belt are BoEs is trash with such low drop rates.

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This is a “you” problem, not a Blizzard problem.


At least you didn’t spend 404 dollars on this thread.

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It is until you spend nearly 2 months farming 1 set. Then it will quickly become a you problem as well mate :slight_smile:

But your insightful feedback is always appreciated.

Just wait until you see TCG prices.

Idk I like there is alternative methods for acquiring gold like old transmog.

I do wonder if the AH system needs to be global and not server specific though. Not sure of what potential negative impacts that would have.

oh yeah i’ve seen those. Really wanted to buy a few, but was sketched out a little.

Yeah, now I’m sketched to sell because it involves trusting somebody with multiple big trades.

No, I wouldn’t fall for the sunk cost fallacy to begin with by spending any tokens to buy it. You made poor financial decisions are blaming Blizzard for them.

oh i spend a lot more on a single dinner.
You missed the whole point. But it’s okay, I will elaborate that for you. It’s the hoops some have jump through in order to acquire a simple legacy transmog set. I buy 2-4 tokens/month and I’m doing just fine.

So what is your poor financial decision =/= mine. I made sure that I can afford such “adventures”. But again, mate, thank you for your free evaluation lmao. Y’r so smart.

I mean, I like transmog, Just not enough to spend a $140. But better drop rates would be nice.

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No kidding.

Could have made a decent case for changing how drops in legacy raids work. Since the legacy loot rules only apply to bosses, and not trash mobs (which are restricted to personal loot since that change went through, however long ago that was), it’s pretty much impossible to farm BoEs. But alas…

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Not seeing a problem here. Why is it in Blizzard’s interest to increase the drop rates for you and a class? You’re playing the game just fine if you do not get the spaulders you want. Blizzard loves you just as much if you don’t have the mogs.

I’m not conspiracy laden, I don’t believe it is to suck you into paying for tokens. That’s an option you can select though.

Having lived through that crap years ago, watching Molten Core tokens for druids happen when druids aren’t there - well, that’s what random stupid loot gets us. It gets us terrible drop rates - everything from Molten Core to Baron Rivendare’s Mount, to … name anything that’s pure RNG. Blizzard has laid on the table some of the pros and cons of the methods they’ve employed over the years and has definitely shown us they are willing to take feedback and change on new material.

What I don’t understand is why people put up every green item on the AH for 1878172387 gold. Is it some secret code? A secret back door in the auction is free? Why is this a mog thing? I could be misreading this, but mogs screwed up the economy more than bad loot rules, it seems to me.

Buff all the good BoE? Can’t say I have much opinion one way or another, but it strikes me as pretty odd to ask Blizzard - “Can you go through all your old dungeons and loot tables, double the drop rate on things that actually look pretty?”

I’m sure they’ll get right on that.

I wouldn’t compare mounts to mogs tbh.
The issue with raid legacy drops is that the buff is only applied to bosses, not trash mobs. And when you have multiple pieces drops from trash, some sets simply cannot be completed and given some color palettes, those pieces also cannot be replaced.