Buff Heart Strike | Blood DK is DPS not tank

You can tank any content - heroic or normal, in frost.

I would trade blood tank for frost tanking

Is this farm tool speaking?

I’m not sure if the nerf carried through, but they had to nerf the blood DK of old. They were almost unkillable in PVP. Top tier pvp geared blood DK’s owned, period. And then the hammer went down.

If blood dps were to be buffed, how would you do it in a way that doesnt make blood tanking better or effect its burst in pvp?

They won’t. The old engine is that - too much toying around that they likely won’t do it.

I don’t get why you would want to keep blood dps going anyhow. Dual wield frost DPS is much more fun. And a more kick a$$ AOE. :slight_smile:

Blood’s thing is it’s healing abilities. They’re increased and carry over with the improved presence chosen. It was the way to go for PVP back in the day until they nerfed the hell out of it. That nerf looks to have carried, and while it’s still solid, it’s more tanky than anything else.

Ya the most i could think of for a way to buff blood that wont hurt its balance is through improved blood pressence mixing with blood worms.

Example change blood worms to deal 100% more damage while in blood presence and improved blood pressence makes you deal 2.5% more damage per blood worm active while in blood pressence.

Tank wise you cant be in blood while tanking without taking a huge aggro and survivability hit. Pvp wise blood worms are easy to kill.

But this woukd require considerabke work on blizzards part as its not just tuning a number up or down. So it likely won’t happen.

Now am i not pushing for a buff for blood, this is just how i would do it if it were to happen, to minimize pvp and tanking effectiveness being buffed with it.

who? is this a reference to something?

Well yes, i was talking about you ( you’re an elf) its a elder scrolls meme about argonians.

Yes it was. Look at blood presence. Literally a 15% increase to what you may ask? Damage.

Frost tanking literally makes so much more sense lol

Oh look someone who gets it lmao

Yep you were. Granted, lots of things are viable but dual wield tanking wasn’t optimal. If it was your preference more power to you. At the time I was raid leading in a guild doing server firsts so it was all about the min/max. For a more casual playstyle it was perfectly fine, which is where I’m at nowadays.

not in patch 3.4 it wasn’t.

in orig wrath (3.0), all specs could dps or tank.

im a little foggy on when it occurred, but DK changed a lot throughout WotLK to the point where Blood became the tank spec, while unholy and frost became dps specs, with limited tanking ability.

we’re on patch 3.4, in which Blood is no longer a dps spec, but is more focused on survivability and tanking.

blood can be adjusted a lot and it wouldn’t make it better than UH for PVP.

Heart Strike hit 3 targets
Blood worms a 1 point talent, or buff them
Increase sudden death proc
Unholy Frenzy affects party member & the player. 1.5 min CD, down from 3 min.

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Still able to do both. Frost can still tank. Blood can still do a lot of damage. Unholy just does so much damage on bosses due to snap shorting gargoyle. But to me it is a lot more boring than blood or frost dps.

Effects tanking and pvp

Heavily effects tanking and pvp

Effevts tanking and pvp

Massively effects tanking and pvp.

You can still play deep blood dps at this stage, blood dps is more than enough for now. DK doesnt originally have specific tanking at original release. Blood dps is still viable I believe.

This is false initial design of Dk was for all 3 specs to be able to do both and even by the end of wrath blizzard themselves said they were not sure if they wanted frost or blood to be the go to tank spec, obviously once cata made it out they made their decision, but it wasn’t till than.

I honestly don’t think heart strike really needs a buff per say, we got blood boil. And it’s a good aggro keeper w/D&D. But Frost also still offers their own AoE variant, Howling Blast. This one spell require three resources, Unholy Rune, Frost Rune, and 15 Runic Power. Blood Boil only requires one which is just a Blood Rune. Frost Does require most resources when using AoE compared to Blood. Both also offer different things when being the tank, Damage mitigation and Crowd Control removal for Frost, Blood on the other hand offers both sustain and Damage mitigation.

Heck, I would even say one spec is defiantly dps, it’s Unholy. Yes, they get three options for “tanking”, but it’s just a dodge bonus, Magic Mitigation, and Bone Shield which has charges.