Buff Heart Strike | Blood DK is DPS not tank

except Unholy Frenzy is a massive DPS CD, and all CDs are related to keeping your HP up so you can deal additional damage with Blood Gorged.

Most tank specs have defensives for your raid not DPS CDs, or getting tanker at low HP, not more powerful at 100% HP. Tanks don’t sit full HP.

You’re 12 years late gobling…


Long time DK reporting in. Blood Spec is not a dps tree, but like most melee classes, it has dps talents in the prot tree which boost threat generation. Blood spec can dps, it is a decent spec for leveling, and a good tree for pvp.

But pve content, it is the intended tanking spec. Unholy and Frost are the intended dps trees. Blood does not need changing.


and Vampiric Blood is a massive tank CD

why are you taking damage as a dps to need hp in the first place? if it’s avoidable, you shouldn’t be getting hit to begin with, and if it’s unavoidable then no amount of bonus hp is going to keep you above 75% hp without outside aid or vast overgearing

also, the damage bonus from blood gorged is so minimal and unavoidable raid damage is so prevalent it isn’t worth taking even as a dps to begin with

Prot Warrior has 7 talents that exist solely to increase their damage output. 10 if you include indirect increases such as rage generation, cost reduction, or cooldown reduction, and 19 if you include the talents that also have a tank component to them

in WotLK you could be either blood dps or blood tank.


Frost is the main tank spec in wrath, they changed it in cata.


Blood is a tank spec, it always has been and always will be. You want to play Blood DPS thats fine. But its not going to ever be optimal nor should it ever be.

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If any balance change is introduced it should be a blanket paladin nerf, not a DK buff.

Imagine asking buffs for the second most popular class

while I too am finding Unholy to be no where near as fun or fluid as Blood, there is no reason to buff blood imo.

I already do more dps as blood than UH but I am told UH scales better and tbh I am probably doing it wrong

Blood DK is tank.

If you want to DPS as blood, you might as well re-roll Warrior Armos or Ret.

Otherwise enjoy Frost or Unholy.


No. Frost /was/ sort-of the tank spec in Wrath-release. We are not playing Wotlk-release, check the patch set we’re on.

You’re factually wrong.
All specs were tank-able.
It changed going ICC, Blizzard defined Blood as the spec they would balance for tank and UH/Frost for DPS.

No it isn’t, not for raids. It’s great in dungeons due to their less intensive and shorter encounters and its aoe damage, but in raids fights are way too long for Frost to be of much help because all of its later talents are about temporary damage reduction, or just full on more damage, while Blood’s talents are all about making it last through an extended fight with strong self-healing, while still being able to reach Frost’s earlier talents that do provide flat damage reduction

I remember having a Blood DK with Armor Pen during heroic ICC25. He was always in the top ~6. But that was 3.3, not 3.4 that we are on.

this guy makes all rules[quote=“Frosstfire-pagle, post:11, topic:1358547, full:true”]
No play frost or unholy. One class doesn’t need 3 viable dps specs.

No one would play Blood DPS with unholy and frost topping the metters.

It should be able to happen again then when we get to ICC Heroic, because patch 3.4 is BASED on patch 3.3.5

Frost is not the DK tank spec. You tank in Frost presence if you cant hold aggro because it increase threat. That doesn’t mean that Frost SPEC is tank. Blood was always the tank spec. And you put some of your talent into frost

Being able to tank a dungeon or quest boss does not make you a tank spec.

I think if you get a good unholy rotation down, you’ll see its better than blood. Just my honest opinion. It really all comes down to how well you can play a class… Yes gear helps, but if you have a garbage rotation, you’ll be awful (I am not calling you awful or bad btw).
Just my 2 cents.

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Except there WAS NOT a specific TANK SPEC for Death knights.
Blizzard introduced the first concept that all DK specs could tank and tried to balance the game around it. Blood ALWAYS standed out with the highest TTL among the 3 specs and became the favorite for progression until Blizzard announced in ICC they would balance the bosses around Blood being the DK tank spec and UH/Frost would become suboptimal for tanking, while DPS should look to play Frost/UH as well.


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