Buff Fury you COWARDS

The objectively coolest aesthetic should be at least top 5 in terms of representation.

It’s been all expansion and Fury somehow remains the worst spec in the game with only multi-glads playing it at elite levels.

It’s entirely designed around having high uptime to apply its MS and do consistent chip damage. But it doesn’t have the kit to keep that uptime.

It has less mobility than leather melee. Less ranged attacks than mail melee. And less anti-CC than plate melee. It doesn’t do anything better than any other spec. It doesn’t have unique utility other than a poorly designed MS.

It’s just an easily peeled Arms Warrior with worse Honor talents. The Raging Barbarian spec should excel in something like better mobility, offensive utility, or anti-CC.

Buff Fury or I swear I will make this thread tomorrow!


Death Knights?


Solid runner up :+1:


No thanks. Fury can stay in the gutters where it belongs.


You know, I was just thinking to myself that this game doesn’t have enough W holding apes.


Exactly, why should Havoc have all the fun?

Fury is like frost dk.

Extremely unfun to play against.



I dont have b2b instant cast melee chaos bolts

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Waht why are you comparing fury to arms, an objectively F tier spec with no damage (bleeds lol) no utility, no tankiness? are you insane?

bruh nobody cares about beta spec fury

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Rogues and DH both dual wield. Only makes sense that fury is also superior.

We need a caster spec that dual wields staves or wands or something for the memes

Mud “I hate fury”
Fury becomes insane in s3, first video “Fury Is SUPER FUN!”

anyways stop dodging and go live


People really gotta stop using ‘objectively’ to describe subjective things all the time.

Unless it’s SMF, then I’m down.

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ya but when fury is good it has ridiculous one shot damage or such insane sustained PVE DPS that havoc looks like a joke in comparison.

Just bad playstyle for the game. Frost, Fury & Destro all fall under the category of having too much too fast with no true ramping setup for it.

Imaigne a world where destro & frost had really big bolts or obliterates, but they were only amped after you casted like 6x in a row within a very specific window. Kind of like how MOP/WOD Demo waves worked.

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Rare good warrior mog wtf



Wow, what an objectively stupid opinion :face_with_raised_eyebrow: