i recently got zandalari troll, and i made him a feral. in bgs i couldnt do anything. nothing beyond 15k dmg
when i switched to moonkin, i instantly started doing much better. i was hitting 25ks and 30ks and 40ks. i thought oh this might be a low level thing so i made a class trial, and when i did my dps was considerably lower then everyone elses, except a few . i then made my class trial a balance, and again i did much better. why is the dmg so low for feral? why should balance be able to hit the same amount in 2 seconds that the feral had to get in at least 3 or 4
with combo points? also the dot with feral is ok, but the rage is pretty bad and you rarely get to use your full dot unlike balance who can spam both. It sucks really bc i love the zandalari cat form but i barely get to see it unless i stealth. Seriously blizzard. In this new patch you didnt buff one of the weakest specs in any considerable way?