Buff feral we are in dire need

Mortal Wounds effects have been too meta defining for too long.

Wonder what the game would be like if MS were blanket removed (and blanket added as baseline dampening if necessary). If nothing else why not make more comps viable.

Right now feels like Blizzard is just hating on the few specs that don’t have it.

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I do think having both MS + dampening is a bit overkill. Wish they would choose one or the other.

this. feral is quite fine

Awe damn. This sub died.

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i agree buff feral, it’s on life support


We accidentally ques triple dps yesterday and ran into a dk/feral. We lost, but the feral dropped down to 2%. Was funny.


yeah they super squish

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In standard 3s I feel they can work. It feels the only change they could do is an extra charge of SI. Not sure how they can fix them for RSS, but no class should be buffed for that mode.

buff frenzied regen, extras si charge, healing increase and armor increase while in cat to start


This is an overreaction and over buff mindset. Trust me, kittycleave is my go to comp, but this would put feral at DH level. Especially with their current damage output.

at least revert all the healing nerfs from sl when we had conduits buffing them etc and healing. and bleeds nerfs from s1 before apex predator got nerfed. or rework the poop talent tree


I’ve never played feral apart from Season 1 of Dragonflight because the aoe bleed build was really fun and simple. I think that was a great playstyle for feral. You didn’t need to be a multi rank1 sweatlord to figure out how to perform well. Although you were just as squishy as now, having all the bleeds ticking allows you to pump damage while kiting to heal which made way more sense than now when they die instantly outside of bear but can only do damage while in melee.

From the ferals I’ve played with and against this season, it looks absolutely miserable to play. Basically a sub rogue with half the CCs and defensives lol.


Feral was in a really good spot coming into the expansion and the start of season one. For some reason they decided it was a good idea to completely trash the spec. They best way to fix Feral is to revert it back to pre changes in season one. Other than that a Band-Aid would be to buff the defenses a bit.


Yea, feral can do okay in arena where there are only 3 players on the other team.

But any fight with moderately sized groups and feral is a loser spec because of all the necessary shapeshifting to break snares, heal, etc…

And in bltiz brawl which will be the so called “holy grail” of wow pvp when fully released, whatever advantages feral druids had were extinguished by poorly thought out game design. I’m talking about needing to be on a super fast mount most of the time unstealthed. And when you do stealth, there are orbs everywhere. And there are treasure chests that give anyone including warriors stealth for godsakes.

So no, feral is not in a good spot.

And pointing to a video of someone who is probably in the top 3% of wow pvp players is not a way to prove a spec is okay. Those players would succeed with almost any spec.

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lies Shadow Priest is easy the king of the most killed melee dps

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Yea but remove free feral frenzy or just remive cyclon from their tree and we got a deal.

Okay, no one is saying that feral doesn’t need a defensive buff, but this is INSANELY disingenuous. Ferals were doing 85-100k dps by just bleeding and running around and every other class was doing 20-30.

Ferals singlehandedly forced the entire NA AWC to go DID and paladin healers for a week to remove bleeds. P sure there are still cdew and absterge clips talking about how absolutely insane it was.

This is almost as bad as saying “ret paladin was in an okay spot after the 10.0.7 rework but for some reason blizzard completely trashed the spec”.

It’s okay to talk about feral, but this is not the way to go about it.


No. No. No. Wrong.
Feral does not need offensive buffs, it needs survivability. I swear you just buff frenzy regen since that has an opportunity cost of 5 globals (literally dispersion).

This is correct and fair.
Feral needs defensive buffs, but they also can’t be a non-target either. As long as they have the feral frenzy clone pvp talent, they SHOULD be a regular target and be punishable.

Instead of making 150 posts about buffing feral (and it should get defensive buffs), I’d try talking about specific scenarios and asking for help on the matchup so people can have a dialogue.


Shadowpriests can get rekt the whole game and then win because it’s a spec based more around set ups than sustained damage. Feral on the otherhand having to sit bear doesn’t have a win condition other than waiting til incarn is back up


only time that happens if SP is fighitng a boomie only Meta tier spec an Sp can beat.
Feral is in a bad spot too but not as bad as SP in Solo Shuffle

In 3’s feral is worse off than Sp

in 2’s Feral is better than Sp

would you agree?

Feral DOES have a win condition. Every time they land a cyclone, they get a feral frenzy on their next main stun. Its an absurd amount of damage. The issue is that it’s hard for feral to get a clone reliably in a lot of comps since the activation of the frenzy is tied to their stun.

Feral is really good with classes like warlock and mage that have additional cc to help the feral set up. The issue is that theres no reason for those classes to not play with a rogue or ww instead who are both more survivable and have better damage profiles.