Buff feral druid

Doesnt need much explaining. Rankings have them sitting in the dumpster right underneather balance which i would say also needs a little love.

You gave a glyph to make feral have the playstyle it was supposed to have but didnt take the wotlk arpen stat into account making it kinda busted. Well arpen is gone and so is the glyph and we are sitting at the bottom AND playing the spec the way it wasnt meant to again to boot.

Make the gylph a prime glyph and we also will have to give up a good glyph just to have it or at the very least give us a damage increase for making us play the way is wasnt suppoed to be again.


Fury is below feral druids. Buff fury first since we are playing the “my line is below another line on warcraftlogs” game.

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yeah well… there’s a bunch of specs in need too. Lets see what these dev’s come up with once sod phase 4 is released and maybe cata is finally worth of atention.

Every class has a dps spec that does well right now even if its not the one your playing. Druids dont not even boomkin is even mid level.

I just choose to try and get this one fixed for now.

Welcome to warrior for 90% of wotlk.

Good boomkins and good ferals compete right at the top with other dps specs/classes. Filter logs by upper performers and it’s rather even, people just drag down the avg because they play that spec poorly, then people who can’t read logs and trolls hop on the forums and ask for buffs.

Then we get stuck with the devs going for lowest hanging fruit, putting out an untested buff to give off an appearance they are supporting the game, which then unbalances everything else.

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So feral can be S+ in both pvp and pve? How about conceding some pvp utility as a trade off?

BM hunters are C tier in pvp AND pve. Does that mean buff them?


Buff frost mage, it sucks right now

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Feral at 90th % is the 5th worst spec in the game, just barely ahead of 4 specs that nobody plays.

“bar above other bar, must mean other bar much badder”

Now read the dps differences…like I said, they perform on par with other dps.

Lower is not on par, but ok.

Look at the dps boss by boss

Yeah, feral is bad on almost every boss.

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Yet the actual value on their dps is within a few hundred of other specs

So yeah, lower than most other specs.

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On some fights, but the difference in values is not wide enough to suggest the class has a problem.

“lower bar make class badder” -The Reason We Shouldn’t Have Warcraft Logs

Only 2 fights where feral isn’t bottom tier :person_shrugging:

I mean you don’t have to lie about the numbers, it’s ok.

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If you attended any kind of statistics course in college you should inquire about a refund.

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They should at least try and ease up the restriction on shred which makes it almost impossible to perform on 2-3 bosses.

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Statistically, feral druids are performing worse than almost every other dps spec.


Statistically their dps is within a few hundred of other specs and they routinely outperform other specs/classes on some fights. Which is a margin small enough to confirm they are just fine for phase 1.