BUFF Every healer that isn't Rdruid && Pvoker!

This is ridiculous!


We need BIG buffs for every healer who isn’t Rdruid / Evoker.

We have Pvoker doing almost 20% more.
Rdruid at near 15% more and is GROWING because of their 4set being so amazing.

The difference in M+ is even MORE! Help the other healers!

IDC about the Hpally / Disc tax atm. All healers beside Rdruid / Evoker need a buff.

Buff Healers or Nerf the two outliers. I’d rather have a buff happen because M+ has so many healing checks.


Meanwhile 2s arenas out here like




I got complimented in a normal dungeon for my Evoker healing and I thought, “Wow, I actually am really good” but now you’re telling me it’s because my class is OP?

I know nothing about PvP. I don’t do it.

I’m just a humble Panda looking for a more even playing Field.

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Buff hpal is all you need to know :dracthyr_love_animated:


Good! Buff them as well! They’re not Pvoker / Rdruid!

i mean, this is as equal as healers have been in a very long time.

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Well, hopefully the 10.0.5 MW rework will help improve their numbers.

I’d be surprised if they put much effort into balancing them before then

Not even close!

SOTFO was a tier and it was the last tier. This was considered an amazing healer balance tier so much that World First guilds had MW in their comp!! It was amazing!

Do not be Hornswaggled by the misleading Evoker above!

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yeah, don’t base healing numbers/comps on RWF. those players are way above the average heroic/mythic raider, lol.

i believe all the healers are fine, IMO.

Ignore the data like a good FOTM player.

Rdruid and Pvoker are incredibly far ahead.

edit: You also missed the dracthyr pun

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dude, i wouldve played evoker even if they were bottom of the barrel because I like dragons. lol.

Yea, blood dk needs a huge buff, we heal a ton and aren’t even on that list yet!



I almost out healed a BDK in +15 Jade a few mins ago!

Buff them as well!

The dk was 35.2k and i was 35.2k! They must need a buff!

BUFF all healers except Pvoker / Rdruid!

Idk for Rdru but Prevoker doesn’t even bother with 4 piece for raids.

Gonna be nice in PvP but thats about it.

Hence why i didn’t mention the Pvoker 4set. I said RDRUID! You’re already OP enough.

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laughs in hpal 2 set 4% crit and 4 set 6% healing or whatever ridiculous low number

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Yeah not saying that’s good lol but Evoker 4piece is basically just Lava Surge procs. Fun in PvP, useable in M+ but near useless in raids.

On the PvP side it has great synergy with some talents that can make Living Flame hit really hard though. Got a 75k crit on a Rogue the other day, lol. Being able to do that with instant casts will be spicy.

I mean, could buff vokers and droods too. I could care less about bar charts and more about getting my cookies.

Pretty much.