I got complimented in a normal dungeon for my Evoker healing and I thought, “Wow, I actually am really good” but now you’re telling me it’s because my class is OP?
SOTFO was a tier and it was the last tier. This was considered an amazing healer balance tier so much that World First guilds had MW in their comp!! It was amazing!
Do not be Hornswaggled by the misleading Evoker above!
Yeah not saying that’s good lol but Evoker 4piece is basically just Lava Surge procs. Fun in PvP, useable in M+ but near useless in raids.
On the PvP side it has great synergy with some talents that can make Living Flame hit really hard though. Got a 75k crit on a Rogue the other day, lol. Being able to do that with instant casts will be spicy.