Buff Disc Priest

Buff Disc
Its very obvious by anyone who plays, that disc priest is the worst healer atm.

So, why no buffs? What’s going on?

In the last week, I’ve played over 150 3v3 games exclusively with a disc priest, challengerz, who is widely considered to be one of the best discs on NA and this is what i’ve gathered.

Their healing feels incredibly weak and could use buffs across the board but primarily needs buffs to penance which feels useless. Because their healing is so low they are often just always trying to play catch up in healing, throwing multiple more unneeded cds just to stabilize, and are unable to push for fears, do damage or offensive purge.

Their mana and cds still feel strong and it’s hard to tell if their damage is still good because they are never able dish any out without being instantly punished.

Other disc priests, do you agree? What changes would you like to see? Curious to read what you guys think.


When we will also buff resto shaman, a few percent on riptide and will call it a day.

Kid, you gotta stop flooding these forums with buffs to classes you are bad at.


I’m hoping next week’s AWC might speed up some balance changes.

Or maybe Blizzard is thinking Holy priests are fine, so Disc priests can just respec.

I’ve seen Absterge go 0-6 multiple times on his Disc priest in his attempt to break 2400. Yes, he’s struggling to hit 2400 on this spec.

Yesterday, Venruki was going 3-3 in the 1600 bracket on his Disc priest.

I’m starting to think streamers are purposefully trying to climb RSS as Disc priest because it’s considered a real challenge at the moment.

Buffed healing output. More mana. At least in RSS. Maybe more damage too. No clue what Disc priests are like in old 3s.


No thanks :slight_smile:

This spec badly needs a buff


How are you able to call anyone bad? You have no xp at all.


They should incrementally buff disc until it’s viable again, my fear is they over buff it and it is oppressive again due to the nature of its cds and dampening, although thats mostly a ss/2s problem.

I don’t disagree that they need a buff of some sort, but definitely don’t need to make them so good that they are S++ tier again in shuffle, as they have been for half of the expansion so far (I believe we had preservation rdruid meta, then disc rsham meta, then disc mw meta, and now hpal hpriest meta?).

Yes, although not that much more mana, just enough to go oom around the same time as everyone else.

Hell no. Buffing their healing is a buff to their damage output anyway

Oh nice! He was trying for a couple of days.

It was amusing watching Absterge trying to stay calm when he did everything to outplay the other healer, but he’d still go 0-6.

Idk. It’s hard to deal meaningful damage when you’re on the back foot the entire time trying to keep people up in RSS. So who knows what Disc damage is really like. That’s why I put a Maybe.

I just remember them not having to do much aside from pumping damage in a couple of seasons, and during one season the damage was competitive with many dps specs, at least for the first minute or so which in shuffle is massive.

I just don’t want that to be the case again.

Actually I think I’m mistaken, he got that on rsham which also seemed to be a challenge for him. That’s my bad (not sure if he got on disc, will edit previous post).

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Although I mainly play shuffle/2s at 1800 mmr, i’m inclined to agree. I feel like I’m in all out panic mode healing on my disc priest (nope haven’t made the jump to holy) through the whole game. Very little time to actually do damage, and very risky/no time to try to go in for fears.

Well, I at least got the 1800 mog, not sure I want to bother trying to push any further with the state they are in.



Did you get it in RSS or 2s?

to be fair penance just got buffed by 15% last week

so while it’s not a game changing buff, at least disc underperforming is on blizz’s radar


Thanks! Got it in 2s with a hunter. Was up to like 1750 in ss then dropped like 300 points because i got d’ced and couldn’t get back in the game in time (been having internet connectivity issues lately). That really is infuriating when that happens…

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I’ll keep that in mind.


But yeah, grats on 1800 on Disc! Now, you’re free!


Disc will not be great till blizz quits trying to force Atonement healing on them.


Comment of the decade right here.

The main issue is: Our entire spec centers around Power Word: Shield, which just isn’t substantial enough at the moment in PvP combat. So, if you wanna leave Disc healing as-is, IMO, its time to buff Power Word: Shield.

It would also be nice if some abilities got reworked to let you play a bit more with Atonement. Just an idea, for example: Divine Star/Halo should apply Renew up to a certain number of targets. Prayer of Mending should apply Atonement to the initial target + whoever it bounces to.

Renew should also get some Disc-specific buffs, such as: Flash Heal instantly consuming a portion of Renew, dealing that healing instantly.

As Disc, I still feel very strong in BGs and competent in Arena…its just that Dampening in particular really cripples the spec.

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I’m just going to mostly copy my comment from another thread.

Disc needs buffs to spells that do actual healing - flash heal, penance, radiance. In SL radiance and penance pumped. Now we just have no spells that do actual healing even tho we have big shields. Once teams start breaking thru those it’s just game over. The HPS is so limited, hard capped at like 70-80k hps at the most while other healers can easily break and sustain 100k+ for some time. Atonement feels like a bad thing to be pushed into for pvp. No one likes when crane, disc dmg, or melee wings is OP.

Mana feels OK to me, I can usually keep up or OOM certain healers so maybe a very slight mana buff if any but I’d like to see healing buffs first. Agree with the above poster high dampening makes the spec feel REALLY bad like in shuffle.