Buff cap and hidden auras

I don’t think that’s what Ravid was saying in his post. He mentioned that there are certain players, definitely not in my guild, that will rage quit seeing how they took the time to get DM Tribute Buffs, Songflower, Onyxia head, Rend buff along with all the consumables and then see some of their buffs fall off due to them getting 22+ character buffs slots taken up - ie. renew, powerword: shield, rejuv, regrowth, fear ward, windfury, etc. etc.

I does feel like a slap in the face when European game devs working on vanilla private servers don’t have these issues that we are facing in Blizzard Classic.
Following a private server that is doing vanilla + content and they’ve fixed a lot if not all of the line of sight issues with terrain in the world and dungeons. I think that is amazing and I’m left scratching my head as to why Blizzard doesn’t grab these devs and hire them

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I mean if they’re willing to change BG’s to relieve some pain points for people, surely they can get rid of the buff cap too right?


This issue is only going to get worse as we progress through Classic. Darkmoon Faire buff, ZG buff, ZG elixir, ZG helm, leg, and shoulder enchants, Silithus buff, Mageblood pots, Weapon oils, etc will all become essential in the coming months.

Renew? Banned.
Rejuvenation and Regrowth? Banned.
Blessing of Sanctuary and Light? Banned.
Inspiration? Banned.
Imp Lay on Hands? Banned.
Food buff? Rumsey Rum? Elixir of Fort? Elixir of Sup Defense? All banned.

It’s not fun to have to ban a long list of spells and consumables from our raids, just because you won’t go into your code and replace “32” with “50” or “100.”

You did it for debuffs, when you upped it to 16. Your justification was that there was originally an 8-debuff limit only because that’s what technology allowed for at the time. Well, apply that same logic to the buff cap. It just doesn’t make sense to allow only 32 buffs, considering the insane amount that exist in the game. Increase the cap, or remove it altogether. This is getting ridiculous.


You guys understand the buff cap is on purpose. It isn’t an error or a bug. Their intention is not to allow you to have every single buff possible in every situation. Do the content without all of the buffs, or learn to prioritize them better. 32 is so many, yes including the temporary ones.

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This. This a hundred times over.

Your own opinion. For actual evidence on the reasoning behind why we had an upper limit in Vanilla for debuffs and buffs, watch Ion’s presentation at the 2018 Blizzcon “Creating WoW Classic” panel. On the topic of why Vanilla had a cap on debuffs, vs retail which is now uncapped, he literally says:

“The team of 2006 would have raised the limit if they could have technically, but we’re not going to, because it would be inaccurate.”

On why there was orignally an 8-debuff cap, Ion also says:

“Honestly, this was a technical limitation. I don’t think this was an example of design values differing–this was just a question of how much memory is being used for each unit in the world–and what can the servers handle.”

So no, given actual testimony from a guy who was the GM of a premier Vanilla guild, and who’s now the Game Director, the intention of a cap was not to limit player power. It was a technical issue, nothing more…


I think you misunderstand Ion. They raised the cap from what it was originally yes. Their intention was not to give the players no cap. In that presentation he even states how raising the debuff limit will affect gameplay because they are doubling it and while they would have done it originally if they could, doing it now will come with drawbacks. We can both comment on what we think they were thinking and we will both be wrong.

I think the expectation that the intention was for players to spend an hour before raids chasing every world buff and coordinating the turn ins of quests is odd and a little silly. Yes it is how you get the fastest clears but if you took away all that prep time and just did the raid the overall time would be faster.

In the end this is a game, not a scoreboard. As you put it though, my opinion.

It wasn’t on purpose, they have gone on to say that the limits were just there because that’s what their technology allowed.


So what compromise has blizzard done for us? Still waiting on them to do something about this.

Find Minerals and Find Herbs count towards the buff cap. That… is… ridiculous…

People are going as far as removing their 220g+ Libram of Voracity enchants from their legs and re-crafting Lionheart helms to not have it on there. Some wack a** s*** going on…

cool sweet gamer nice wow

So this is a confirmed bug, I have been noticing problems with both hit and Crit and now my previous suspicion is confirmed.

Is there a clear cut definition on just what you can get away with in terms of gear and enchanting + buffs / world buffs and what causes what uses a most commonly?

Better would be fixing this mess.

Getting punished for wanting to maximize my performance feels bad plain and simple. Especially when there’s lots of time/gold involved.

You could either raise the cap substantially, make world buffs never get pushed off, etc. There’s options.

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oof just raise the cap!

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good job finding this!

Hopefully with ZG buff coming and more consums becoming avail later on, we’ll see another bump to the buff cap or removal completely.

They previously fixed a different bug that was part of the write up, makes me curious if they entirely fixed these sorts of things or just partly or temporary and then un-fixed them with a patch; that sort of thing can happen.

Can you make a thread on that buff dissapearing thing please.

Hello Community manager Kaviax. How are you? Can we please get some info about shadow oil?
Thanks and I pray you are safe from the virus

And lifedrain spell damage scaling

These 3 threads are like 90% of all paladin problems.

any confirmation about the zg head and leg enchants? Will they contribute to the buff cap?

Curious about the ZG shoulder enchants. Do they behave similarly to the head and leg arcanum enchants and consume a buff slot?