Buff Arms please

Buff Arms…

It’s not ok that the warrior “pvp spec” is bottom of C tier.

BM is ok being bad, because its a pve pet spec (although getting buffed soon) while MM and surv are A/S tier

Fire mage is ok to be bad, because its a pve spec and mages have 2 other S tier specs.

Enh is getting gigga buffed.

Why is Arms still underperforming and overlooked on the tuning pass tues?

It’s not “ok because fury is good”, most warrior players don’t want to play carpel tunnel tunnel vision fury in arena.

That is all

(this data is coming from supatease AWC tier list)


I really wouldn’t put a lot of stock in that XD


this isnt BC


according to who

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Arms is getting a buff in its tier. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Fury likely wont play theirs.

Current fury has a more complex rotation than Arms and literally the same toolkit but you trade Sharpen for Slaughterhouse. People really gotta wake up and smell coffee

complex? lol

the rotations are not even remotely close… what game do you play

Not even going to entertain your archaic jokes man, try it and see for yourself. Arms has literally 2 buttons and Clap for rend

while the arms tier bonuses sound nice, the 4 piece will have very limited uptime/procs, its only buffing on tactician proc, which is like once every 10s in arena, not like ur spamming on a dummy, imo.

Also almost every spec is getting buffed with their tier sets as well… which doesn’t put arms ahead more than any other spec is gaining their equivalent “buff”.

I do think that Arms still scales slightly better with gear/weapon than most specs, but that could be a myth as well

Most people that are still playing Arms aren’t running tclap/rend

At the most we’ll play 2 set if we have to play fury but thats still up for speculation.

literally if they took Sweeping strikes off the GCD, and baked hamstring into mortal strike or overpower, Arms would feel significantly better.

Fighting classes that escape as soon as you reach them feels so bad having to press gcd for both of these.

QoL updates not even buffs really

Why? Supatease is multi r1 and an AWC caster. He has more street cred than anyone here.

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Or, hear me out, maybe Blizzard should not bake snares into people’s rotations :dracthyr_a1:


That would require them getting rid of 90 percent of specs baked in slows then

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Can you explain this more, like where you’re getting this info from? From what I’ve heard, it seems that arms warriors nearly universally rely on rend damage in PVP.

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Oh 100%. He’s an excellent player no doubt. He is also a content creator, though, and often makes tierlists in response to every single patch note change to attract views that frequently miss the mark.

For example, his dragonflight s4 one had assa rogue as C tier as well.

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yes and had boomkin in S Tier every season when it was obviously F tier all DF :slight_smile:

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Wow. There’s so much to unpack there.

He prob makes them because his playerbase who aren’t as experienced as you ask for one.

That list isn’t made for people like you. Not sure how you’re not able to see that because you’re an intelligent individual.

Not true.

You’re trolling if you’re not.


For “so much to unpack”, you only reference one real point and then throw shade at me. Is there a reason you go out of your way to be directly contrarian to people you don’t like?

Experience has little to do with it. it IS because the playerbase asks for one, but more often than not it’s not because inexperienced people are looking for opinions. It’s usually because it creates a TON of streamer drama and draws attention and creates talking points. I cannot count the number of times ive seen someone ask in magnus or Saul’s chat, “what do you think of supatease’s tier list” which inevitably sparks some flame.

The tier list is entirely based off of his subjective opinions. They’re often accurate for all the outliers, but outside of those, seem to grossly miss the mark.

Again, he rated assa rogue as C tier in end of dragonflight (the same position as arms in OPs comment) and assa was the most broken spec in the game.