Bsod to death

I was playing WoW three days ago when I got a BSOD just once at the start of a 4 hour sess. Two days ago I got 2 BSOD and yesterday just 1.

Today during WoW I suffered 4 back to back BSOD. After a reboot my “G” drive was completely gone.

My Samsung SSD EVO 970 500g just died. It literally BSOD to Death.

I removed it and ordered a replacement. A new Samsung SSD EVO 970 PLUS 500g I should have it by Tuesday.

World of Warcraft is such a killer!

Funny…I too experienced a BSOD yesterday although I can’t recall if it was while playing WoW or while I was just on my desktop fiddling with Winamp (yes I still use Winamp and mp3s for music).

When it rebooted, I got the MS DOS prompt saying it can’t detect a boot drive and when I checked the BIOS, there it was - my Samsung EVO 960 500 GB (main OS drive) was not there.

Granted, I did clean my PC earlier in the day with a blower so I maybe I might have dislodged something. So I opened her up again and all I did was just reconnect the SATA and power cables on the SSD and mobo and when I closed it all up and booted up, it was back to normal. The SSD was detectable again. No more problems.

A BSOD is a bit like blowing a fuse. A blown fuse is extremely unlikely to cause any damage further on, and it won’t matter how many times you replace said fuse and blow it again that won’t change. Whatever is down-stream causing the excess current is going to be the problem, and without that fuse it could easily be causing all sorts of other issues.

In other words BSODs - even lots of them - won’t kill hardware, but dying hardware (or hardware that isn’t plugged in or configured properly) will easily cause BSODs as it goes.

Save the MEMORY.DMP files as there are software apps to detect everything that happened. it may even give you some heads up on the cause. One I remember was called BluescreenView , another from Microsoft I used before is WinDbg Preview.

Not sure if this applies to any of you here but thought it might be relevant:

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