BSG V SPM waiting room

/pat it ok i promise

It’s week 3 of the “conquest vendor” and week 2 of the “vault”.

Trust me, further in the season is where the gap between players gear increases.


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I like your posts Elise. Always full of emotion and usually, savage.

Don’t give these dummies a rest.

Meso uses punctuation. I’m not sure that’s Meso :stuck_out_tongue:

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jajajaja poor pk get catfished

Looks like you got a fan


all them think that maybe pk told all them to think that that silly jajajaja idk who meso is but he live rent free in all their head funny yea jajajaja why they so scared of him esp elise

are you say you need fan too

I already got one yo


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it true though she not very good but you very good if not better then her in lot skill wise , that why she need the q syncers

You’re that guy who brags about selling AOTC lvl PvP carries; known as “Sexi”.

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who is that first you guy say im meso whatever that mean idk what this mean either what this mean

Speaking of vault drop, I picked a chest piece on Friday and later realized I already had a chest piece. I literally wanted to take a step away from my fist and punch myself as hard as I can.


Thanks Leepx.

We did not have 4pc tier at that time (I still don’t have that on my both toons to this day because
I just don’t care?) so people thinking massive gear gap was the big play is wild.

Let me clear up the confusion from last season regarding the potential wargame. The only reason why I declined Miz’s offer in the first place was due to PTSD I had inherited from another community.
To my surprise, BSG all came together and supported the idea of a fun wargame with no complaints whatsoever.

So I decided to let my guard down and offered a wargame right before the end of S2 thinking that most folks probably would be off doing their thing such as raid, M+, rated PvP, SoD classics etc for a while into the new season opener. However, I will admit that I did a bit of overthinking since that was hardly ever the case anyways.

Many many thanks to SPM and BSG for making it happen! We really have a passion for endurance type fights which was something SPM could give us unlike other premades.

Happy holidays :christmas_tree::champagne::sparkler: