Brutosaur night fae soulshape found in 9.2

Who needs a brutosaur mount when you can BE a brutosaur?


You can use yourself as an auction house.

Seriously too much work going into something that is going away.

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Stand in oribos and people rummaging around your pockets looking for things.

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this would force me to go night fae against my will


Finally a form which lets me look over a fence!

I love the brutosaur soulshape but feel exactly the same way.

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I love it too honestly.

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Pretty sure covenant abilities will just be inactive in the new 10.0 zone

Just like how heart of azeroth is when going to Shadowlands

So yeah you’ll still have soulshapes in Orgrimmar and whenever you visit Shadowlands zones

If we get to keep all the covenant specials maybe SL won’t have been all bad.

The soulshape forms should be converted into ghost wolf and druid forms after SL.

Seems like such a waste otherwise. Lorewise, ghost wolf is supposed to be your spirit animal. So why not?

Well, unless it comes with an action house, I need it.