
I find that using a offtank soaking the stomp creates alot of confusion on which target needs to be healed. Unless you are finding great success in that strat, I wouldn’t recommend it.

As a bear tank I’ve actually been over capping my armor as threat usually isn’t for bear. The reason I overcap is for the stomp which reduces your armor. It helps greatly, I haven’t had any problems on Brut since.

I’ve been told that with imp Demo you can reduce the boss to 0 AP even with Reck up, so if you have the former, it’s safe to use the latter.

Yeah, I’m sitting at almost 50k armor with ancestral fortitude up. We just heal through the stomps.

Yeah, we tried the stomp juggle thing, too. Straight spamming through it was much more reliable.

Alliance favoritism confirmed! Lol.

I think we’re like 20 pulls into M’uru and we’re still struggling. Everything else took us 4-5 pulls fo figure out.

Edit: Even pre-nerf KT went down in 16 pulls.

No, both weapons have a 2s swing timer. He is claiming 4 weapon hits + a stomp in 1.26s. That is not possible under any circumstance.

As for handling taunts. You always taunt before the 4th meteor slash. If there will be a stomp before that wait for it unless the taunting tank has burn. If there will not be a stomp before the next slash then taunt after giving your healers a heads up.

Stop using Flash and get into the Spriest group, spam Holy Light. Druids should be maintaining full HoTs, you can try focusing the second main healer assigned to tanks and off-set your heals to theirs to always make sure something big is landing every 1.00-1.25 seconds. Priests should be throwing down renews and pre-bubbling for taunts and stomps to smooth things out. A big thing we noticed from our failures last night was healers having ADHD and not sticking to their assignments, which then gets someone killed almost every time.

I don’t think the logs are lying.

I can’t get the link posted (well I will try)


this was pull #11. Our druid tank death was over a period of 1.26s with 4 melee hits (2611, 5997, 4722 (stomp), 7535, and the killing blow of 3944 (O:252)

Bosses have 320 AP that can be reduced.

Here’s the link.


I’m on my phone but he got hit with a stomp, I’m not sure if the other tank was supposed to taunt or not it’s hard to see how many stacks he has on my phone but it might of been a bad swap.

You really gotta pump heals on stomps.

Also he got a flash off you and that’s basically it, you should be bombing holy lights.

He is using the prelude to pride 2 hander on a gnome, frenquenty 2 handed weapons obscure the face on gnome character profiles (the top of the blade is solid white causing the profile issue)


Useless comments are useless. A bunch of people gave him good, useful advice and you come here acting like a clown. Have some sense of shame.


Each weapon has a 1s swing timer, not 2s. 1.26s deaths with 4 melee swings in that time period are totally possible, and likely.

also on an forum alt that hasnt cleared sunwell
wonder if his main has, logs say no

Depends if you’re wiping or not. The difference between 1 health and 0 health is massive.

If you’re struggling to get the kill due to Tank death then you definitely should have Imp Demo Shout (as close to 100% as possible, realistically in the 90%+ range). Put up all the defensive measures you can. You’re reducing Bruts AP by 120 (420 total) - you should use it.

The alternative talents are very lacklustre too, so there’s really no reason not to.

Stagger heals, and for the love of god do not reactively heal! you pump big huge mana wasting heals into the main tanks as fast as possible and you do not stop for 6 minutes. period.


Well, it’s not as bad as it sounds. Your tank should not get flattened unless a stomp is going out, and stomp is predictable, so you don’t actually need to nonstop full spam for 6 minutes.

In addition to these important debuffs, you can also make a special tank group that deviates from the standard. In our case we put bear with prot warrior so both could get HP shout, as well as devo aura from pally and imp buff from affliction lock.

Though the dps will take a slight hit (hunters will lose their feral crit, for example), if your dps is good enough this can make tank deaths less frequent. Also make sure your tanks are popping trinkets and CDs if they have to soak a stomp.