Our 2nd week in Sunwell, we have Kale pretty much easy to down, but our first dozen tries on Brutallus are problematic. We did get him to 26% so it seems possible, and we got him down to 50% by the 3 min mark so that seems possible too.
The problem I am having as a healer is how the heck do you heal through some of the brutally fast hits? On one pull he hit our druid tank 5 times in 1.26 seconds, for over 25,000 dmg. I got one flash of light off at the 1 second mark but it was just luck really since flash of light is 1.5 sec cast. We were running 6 heals.
Maybe adding in another healer. Are you guys having any problem at all keeping tanks up on this fight?
2 thicc bears and 7 healers been working for us. Debuffs are key, make sure everything that can reduce dmg is up. Aff lock debuff, tclap, demo shout, scorpid sting.
Use a lower rank Holy Light instead of flash of light. Rank 7 or 8. Flash of light is so low on healing per second that its not worth on an MT on Brutallis. The paladin discord is a great resource, especially on specific boss fights. A lot of holy pallies are now running 20% haste (even though haste is a pallies worst stat) because of how fast and hard the boss damage is in SWP. Also running 7 healers is the norm for SWP til it gets nerfed.
I was using a good bit of holy light, but have mana issues…maybe our group comp is off. The tanks had just switched agro and I had cancel casted a holy light and just was tossing the flash of light on the new tank target (the druid) when the 1.26 sec 100% to 0% happened. I am even using redeemer’s stone but still go oom. Guild has not let me have 2pc of T6 yet, that extra 5% crit would help on holy light mana return.
I’d give some passive advice to your druid thats taunting. Make sure he’s using barkskin right before he taunts and keeping ironshield potions up. Barkskin alone should keep him from being globaled for 10 seconds while healers are adjusting.
Pallies are the worst healers in TBC because they have terrible mana issues and the least healing output per mana spent. Brutallis is more about keeping tanks up than mana preservation. Farm/buy yourself some runes and use mana pots on CD. See if you can get tossed into the shadow priest group but thats probably for other casters and your priest.
Also use as much int gear as you can. The 40 int trinket from kara is nice. 65 int flask on that boss alone could be helpful as well.
I am not totally horrible. I parsed a 79 on Kale with 1100hps, bubbled off the arcane stacks. This is with being low prio for healing gear (only have the T6 helm). I feel like I could hold my own with better gear.
So far we’ve had our pally tank respec to heals for the fight (so 7 heals - that would prob help your group by itself). We also have two healers assigned to the burn targets where I’m one of them and keep my hots on the tanks too and we have shammies assigned for Earth Shielding the tanks.
Agreed with what Zealous said as well.
Overall it’s not one persons job (although the advice to you in this thread is good) it’s the whole raids.
Its not your fault that the tank is dying, so don’t feel bad about it. Brutallus is both a tank and a healer intensive fight. Your tanks should be calling out in discord when they’re going to taunt to give healers time to adjust so he doesn’t get globaled.
6-7 healers
better tanks
make sure they know when to taunt and pop their cooldowns
if you dont like Brutallus you wont like… any other boss
also M’uru
Currently my raid team used 6 healers on every boss except twins this week.
Our healer setup assignement this week on BT
1st rsham : Current tank → raid
2nd rsham: Current tank → raid
rdruid: current tank → burn target
1st hpriest: raid → burn target → current tank
2nd hpriest: burn target → raid → current tank
i found having healer assignment for this boss very useful during prog so no one tries to snipe heals and let the tank die