Brullo the Strong has NOT BEEN FIXED

Yet again, I killed Brullo the Strong. Yet again, I didn’t get a massive chest of gains. I’ve opened tickets before, and I’m assured it’s been fixed (NO), and that’s it’s just me (it’s NOT), and I should not be partied (which shouldn’t matter). I was not partied. I started the event with him. I fought him successfully. He told me he was leaving me the chest. There was no chest. Two other people also contributed to the fight (one was my alt out of party).

This is an mmo. If other people can’t tag him, WHY is he taggable when in combat with other people? Because he’s a rare that’s supposed to be multi-tag.

HE IS BROKEN. He has a pet I would like to collect, and I keep wasting my time thinking maybe you’ll actually get it working, given it’s been broken since Zaralek Caverns came out.

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Edit ur post and move itto bug forums where it can be looked at.

I would like customer service. I should be given the loot I was cheated out of.

I’ve submitted tickets and bug reports every time this has happened.

Unfortunately, the developers don’t tend to give the GMs permission to generate loot that wasn’t generated by the game.

It’s simply not something that they can do.

You’ll want to report it as a bug if it’s not working.

Edit: This has been moved from CS to Bug Reports now

You want the Bug Report Forum.

But you should also read the comments here:

There are a couple workarounds and suggestions for the kill that may be useful to you, including paying attention to what he is casting at the moment of the kill and a suggestion to fly out of the immediate area and back.

It’s not ideal, which is why you should report it in the Bug Report Forum.

Tickets cannot help in the event of a bug. Especially for situations where the kill can be repeated, they do not award loot. Even if they could award loot, they can only do it after the developers have confirmed the problem has been fixed and the GM’s are given explicit permission to do so.

The cs forums are a player to player support forum thats why bug is a better forum.

I’d reported it, in-game, multiple times. Also via ticket, multiple times. Never fixed. Told (incorrect) information about it, including that I was “doing it wrong” or “it was fixed” (clearly not). I just broke down and bought the pet in the AH.

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I’ve killed this guy probably 30+ times in the last several months and despite using food every time, I have still been unable to get anything from the chest. Sometimes it doesn’t even spawn (like just now and what brought me here). It’s very frustrating that it’s been this long and they still haven’t fixed it.