Broxigar the Red VS Varian wrynn

Eh, they have improved abit/sent new demons we never saw before. During the Alliance pre-broken shore quest we got an instructor telling us about the new demons(and relative dangers they presented). Hell, they even managed to start using new tech like the Worldbreaker and those dimensional ships.

Heck the entire “we are gonna pullback and pretended were losing so that Azeroth would fall for a trap” is certainly more strategy then they have ever utilized.

And there is nothing suggesting he possessed physical strength that was beyond or even above normal for an orc. Admittedly baseline wise orcs are physically strong to begin with.

Possibly more skilled certainly.

The way I see it, human physical strength can match orcish strength but on an individual basis. Ie. There are some very strong humans but baseline most are probably not as strong as orcs.


As if I didn’t need any more evidence that your arguments were empty Alliance propaganda, unworthy of being responded to, muchless read.

I have to take chance with the thread and say, the first WOTA book alone made me like Brox, and made me want to make an Orc character and try playing horde.

But then the warlords videos made me give up the idea (and the fact that i couldn’t customize my character how i wanted it).

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That’s more of redirecting a force than meeting and stopping it to be fair. Which takes far less strength. I wouldn’t really call that a good gauge of how physically strong an individual is.

THAT, however, is. Especially if the tree was big enough to pin or damage the shredder.

I’m not sure why people think that strength and fighting capabilities are inherently linked. Strength matters less and less the faster and sharper a weapon is. Strength’s great to have, but it doesn’t matter at all if you get a collapsed lung and a knife in your stomach before you can set hands on someone.

Most of the fighting we see are between unarmored grunts and armored footmen. Armor is super important.


:roll_eyes: as if you have ever care about anything aside from putting the Horde on a pedestal. We have never had any lore anywhere stating Brox had any super orc power or that he was anything more than an actual veteran orc. If anything I would say it is a complement that even without being given any sort of god like abilities aside from the ax he was still able to accomplish what he did.

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What do super powers have to do with anything? The debate is about who is better. It appears that a whole lot of people would give the edge to Brox. If you’ve read his book, he’s a hell of a lot more than just a “veteran orc.”

He’s the veteran orc who became a veteran by fighting his way through the first, second, and third wars, who single-handedly held a mountain pass against the Legion to protect Hyjal, who traveled through time and so impressed Tyrande that she had a statue built of him and still tears up at the mention of his name, who once again single-handedly faced down the Legion on Argus, building a literal mountain of their corpses and standing indomitably until Sargeras had to intervene in person, and who managed to actually wound Sargeras, sacrificing his life to make it possible for Sargeras to be sealed out of Azeroth for 10k years.

But, yeah. Just a veteran orc.


Look, as much as I loved Varian I’d still probably give this one to Brox, even though I think it’d be a great fight and a tough one for both of them. But can we stop saying this? It didn’t happen. It wasn’t single-handedly. He had a whole regiment of orcs with him. He’s just the only one who survived the thing. It’s part of the reason he is so torn up and wants to die, because all his brothers in arms did, but he survived. He was the last man standing when the demons in his pass stopped coming because Malfurion blew up Archimode with the wisps.

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When time traveling?
He did it solo.

Broxigar’s last stand was the final defiance of a man who literally knew he was going to die and had no care or desire to survive in that moment. Basically it was the equivalent of a mother getting the sudden surge of strength to allow her to lift a car off her kid, he had the entire weight of the world pushing him forward. His final battle was basically akin to an anime character pushing past their limits in a sheer desperation when everything is on the line.

So, a fight with Varian I don’t think would entail that same demi-god status Brox showed against the Legion in the final clash. The books mention that he was certainly a force to be reckoned with in the other battles, but if his last stand was an indicator of his abilities on a consistent basis, he’d have been able to rout the demons on the regular basis on his own merit.

That said, with no magic weapons, I still think Broxigar would win, but only just barely. Really, it could go in either direction based on circumstances.

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Against Varian, a person literally blessed by the wolf god the orcs themselves worship. A person who single handly slew a dragon, a person who could match Garrosh, an orc that based on what we know so far was probably just as accomplished as a warrior as Brox(hell he is the Warrior class rep of Hearthstone). Varian, literally trained from birth by his very militant nation to lead it, both in affairs of state and war. Varian who personally slew a creature that was almost the size of a mountain.

Yes he was. Again, it is a testament to what orcs as war machines are capable and possibly a testament to how powerful the ax was. But nothing has ever indicated his physical or magical attributes were above a normal orc.

Whoever the writer wants to win. A victory by either is equally plausible.


Everyone has their power ups, even Varian.

[quote=“Darrow-gilneas, post:67, topic:519839”]
…can we stop saying this? It didn’t happen. It wasn’t single-handedly. He had a whole regiment of orcs with him. He’s just the only one who survived the thing.[/quote]

Hmmm…fair point. Let me amend: “who eventually single-handedly held a mountain pass against the Legion in Hyjal.”

Was… Varian’s not?

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Kind of.

Positioning also matters, Varian had demons around him from all the sides, since he landed in the middle of the broken shore, how was Brox? I’m legit asking because i haven’t reached that part yet, but from what people tell, he was guarding the portal, so behind him was the portal meaning every enemy came from the front right?

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iirc he literally killed so many demons that he built a mountain tall enough so that he could cut Sargeras’s shin.

And that’s not what I quoted and asked people to stop saying. Stop moving goal posts.

Calm down, friendo. Defending the pass isn’t Broxigar’s big claim to fame, so that’s why I got confused by your post. I apologize for confusing the situation.

The rest of my post adds a distinction there. Brox essentially knew that he had to live as long as possible in order to save every living thing on Azeroth. That level of drive and motivation would have pushed him beyond any care for pain or doubt. Also as much as Human Potential rings true in a lot of cases… Orcs have their Blood Rage still, and I doubt even Varian can match the Blood Rage of an Orc who literally has the lives of millions of beings in his hands.

Varian’s last stand was when he was exhausted and had been fighting for quite some time, one where he knew he couldn’t win. Broxigar’s was one where he had to win.

Because Taurens are not really a warrior race. They may have been spiritual warriors in WC3, but then they became the Horde’s Shamans, replacing Orcs, and Druids. Orcs became the prime warrior race. Taurens may have the strength and endurance unmatched by the other playable races, but their weakness is usually speed and intelligence, both of which are two most important key attributes in fighting. Sure Taurens can charge fast of course but that’s a straight line, and not reactionary.

Humans and Orcs are the prime warrior races of their factions. There’s a reason top 5 warriors are usually mostly Orcs, and Varian.

Having said that who would win? Eh I’d agree with Drahliana, whoever the writers want. If looking practically, Brox would probably slay Varian due to Brox’s endurance. Then proceed to die from the wounds he got inflicted with Varian’s superior speed.

Lost track of count of how many times I’ve died due to DoTs haha.