Brothers and Sisters

The age of man is at an end, Machines have started replacing us and all we know and love inside our arena. they infiltrate our beloved pve minigames and plague our economy.

for now has come a time where we are now in the postion of being replaced by the very thing we imagined would not. we will become one with the machine

Jokes aside this is utterly embarrassing blizzard. how can you stand aside with absolutely 0 anticheat, let people fly around in classic untouched and people openly exploiting and cheating in pvp. you say OVER and OVER again how valuable our opinions are and that we are what matters but allow others to just utterly cheat and make fair playing players miserable and leave at an alarming rate.





Lmao that’s the exact same warrior that was botting in my mugambala shuffle a few nights ago, he was getting stuck at the entrance every round.

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oh my god i almost puked. that is the most disgusting thing i have ever watched. how can this be allowed to exist?

blizzard loves money

What’s crazy is they’re lmaoing as if it’s some kind of joke. And yeah in some sick way it is a joke, but this company needs to get it together and do something about this.

Every time I see this video lmao

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yea this company will soon realise when all the normal people leave cause of the situation they wont be making as much as they were by bots alone

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this is one of the reason why you dont see melee bots as much. theyre WAY to easy to detect while casters its next to impossible without doing detection tricks like the ROP bot with aoe defensives like earthern totem

and when you see them its actually horrifyingly blatent how the bot operates

Disgusting and that’s probably just 1 of many bot programs available that do similar things and this user probably just has it poorly configured/is doing zero input while washing dishes. Imagine if he just put in the miniscule effort to manually go up the ramp you may never have even known he was botting.

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That bot has more personality than my witch of a mother in law.


gotta love having 0 anticheat

like i said a year ago at this point i have 0 problem with blizzard installing a rootkit anticheat to my computer. im sick of people cheating

also i saw a comment on a youtube video

isnt it weird how when they closed chinese servers all of a sudden we have a huge influx of cheaters?? strange


I swear I saw zero cheaters from Legion-SL then all of a sudden in DF S1 I started seeing videos of them popping up again. I think their anti-cheat tech just got outdated and they were resting on their laurels instead of keeping up with the times and once it was found out the flood gates opened.

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imho blizzards doing the “LOOK GUYS IM DOING SOMETHING” tactic of retaining players. and its insanely embarrassing. they wait like 2 years just to immediately ban like 100k cheaters

thats like 1/3rd the playerbase btw

and they make a big tumblr blog post about how they are currently on the problem and will ensure it NEVER repeat NEVVVVEERRRR happens again

next day all the bots are back

Lmao you cant make this company up, they would rather spend money to make a lizard a playable race rather than keep players in the game and ban those maliciously abusing programs to easily get rewards and hurt players in the process

and i find it funny how when they did close chinese servers all of a sudden botting and cheating has became a HUGE problem. even in classic.



Why doesn’t anyone do something about this crap!?!?!! :rage:

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man this is embarassing


I think the bots are there by Blizzard design to make the game seem more active than it actually is.


you’re not wrong. private servers fake populations all the time. but blizzard ngl does have a active playerbase to fill those gaps. if they were doing it its embarrassing the same way as letting bots play the game


Honestly embarassment aside…

Put a smile on my face that someone couldn’t create a bot to understand how to go up the ramp and it just followed him below the bridge. 10/10

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What is even going on in the video i tried to load it but it’s all potato quality

Fully automated bot is following its target, except its target is on top of the bridge and the bot is on the bottom. So it just perfectly follows him from underneath and runs circles when they are standing still. It has no concept of Z-axis and thinks its standing right next to its target

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