Brother cannot use slash commands for addon options - Mac Intel?

I’ve been trying to get my brother into the game and we’re having an issue with addons. He has successfully installed addons, and they show up in his addons directory, and are actually enabled and working in game - but he cannot actually changed their options.

For instance, he has weakauras but when he types “/wa” in the chat it does nothing when he presses ENTER.

Is this some kind of Mac issue? He can chat “hello” and press enter, and it posts the message. But he cannot actually open any addon options at all. It just does nothing when he presses enter.

Sorry you got misdirected to PC support, Mac would be here, you can edit posts to move them though.

Not sure what the commands are for the addons, but UI might know also.

Does your brother have addon options in the game options menu?