Brother and I transferring here from Faerlina

Hey, brother ( priest ) & I ( prot war) are transferring here from faerlina. I am a fairly experienced main tank in classic, having geared prot warriors on Kromcrush and Kirtonos. My brother decided to play wow classic with me recently, so we rolled new toons on faerlina together. We arent liking the ques and I dont like the community on faerlina much, so we decided to come here.

We are currently level 24 but will be 60 within the next 2-3 weeks. We are looking for a medium sized close knit guild , that will be in need of a good prot warrior ( that also enjoys offtanking as most guilds already have a MT) and holy priest that will always be availible for raid times. Prefer EPGP loot system but not a necessity. Prefer friendly, helpful, fun guild over anything.

If interested in having us please leave your in game name here and i will contact you once we are transferred over either late tonight or tomorrow. Thanks guys & looking forward to tanking on this server for everyone!

‘ey man, welcomes to the server!

My guild is currently in the process of leveling up, and we should be ready to tackle MC by the time you and your brother are. Don’t quote em on this, but I believe we could use another Tank and Healer. If you’re interested, contact Critina in game to learn more.

BTW, we use DKP, not EP/GP