Bronzebeard Mage LF Guild


I am looking to join an RP guild. I recently took a break from the game and am back. This character, Banothus, has primarily been doing walk-ups as a means of role play. You may have heard him advertising his free portal and transportation services in Stormwind. I really would like to join a guild for more regular and structured RP opportunities.

I have a couple years experience in WoW RP and 10+ years of D&D DM experience.

Just a very brief overview:

Banothus Deeprune is a Bronzebeard Dwarf arcane mage. He has never officially served as a soldier, but he specializes in supply and troop transport. He still does contracted and pro-bono work in this capacity. When Teldrassil was set ablaze, he assisted in the teleportation of civilians for example. He comes from a wealthy background and is currently acting as a politician/advocate. He has a love for fine clothing.

He is a kind dwarf who frequently engages in charitable acts. He is a fierce supporter of both the Council of Three Hammers and the Alliance.

I think he would do well with almost any generally good-aligned organization. He is not an overly boisterous or attention seeking character. He prefers to play a supporting role.

My TRP is much more detailed. Thanks for your consideration.


While I dinnae have a guild, if ya ever see me toon out in the wild, feel free to say hey. Love seein’ more dwarves around.

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We’d be delighted to speak with you further - we have IC guild chat and are just rolling out some caster-centric RP if you’re interested (along with other types too).

That’s the thread, with our website and a description, and you can look for myself or Avanera in game for more information. Good luck!

Check our new dwarf/gnome experience! Called Heart of the Mountain!

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I second the Heart of the Mountain bit. Good people pushing more dwarf rp