Bronzebeard Alliance Reconnections

Thethis dwarf retardin. Rolling human warrior. Was in leveling guild Elders and then I don’t recall any of the others… did some raids with murdinpug. Was like age 12 lmao. Played thru legion tier 2 mythic raids and got burned out. Hoping warrior will be some fun!!

Behodar <3
I knew Melcene looked familiar!

I can picture it now: “Who’s this vaguely familiar guy that’s given me a random Like? :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: I suppose putting my tag here would help… Behodar#1772.

Hello fellow Bronzebeard friends! I played Kiriia on Bronzebeard (Night elf druid) and was a founding member of Serenity Knights. I was an officer for years in the guild but have transferred currently in the game to Proudmoore. Xannatharr, Hosehead and I (Some of the “original” Serenity Knights gang) are starting a guild on Pagle in classic. If anyone is interested in joining us, feel free to whisper my main Hannajade- Proudmoore. Or find us in classic! (reserved Emmaline, Kiria, and Pippsy) Hope to see some old Bronzebeard friends there!


Regi! There’s someone i was hoping to hear from again. Are you going to be playing classic then?

Been a long time

Prometheous - GM of Infantry, also played in BoTi and Dragon ALliance, and then raided naxx with Last Stand


Axelcon - Nightelf Hunter
Trial by Tribulation

Zilfandel - Hunter
Was in a few guilds but cant remember the names. Would be great to reconnect with old friends.

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Yea basically, I figure im going to be playing horde since I played alliance and all last time, so kinda a new experience mixed in with an old one.

Most likely on Stalagg horde side now that blizzard is begging for people to leave herod, gonna prob start up a guild with a few of my friends, your always welcome if you dont have a place to go. Do you have any plans? or better yet, mail me your battletag on bronzebeard (obviously to regicidle) and we can get in touch?

Really cool to see all these old guilds coming back

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Hey! I was a tagalong kid in < Category 5 >; Kelthas the NE druid. I was pretty young in Vanilla and didn’t play really seriously; so I never got even close to 60, let alone raid with you guys.

But I always looked up to the guild so much. Was proud to be a member, loved reading about the guild’s exploits in chat, and followed the guild’s raid progression on the awesome hand-crafted website (with the pictures of all the bosses!)

I remember having a connection with another druid player in the guild by the name of Bluegorilla who was super nice, took me under his wing, helped me with leveling and gearing up.

I’m beyond excited for Classic and would love to meet up with any folks from Cat 5 or their friends.


Hey! I wrote a longer comment below but then saw you were in Cat 5. I was a young tagalong kid in that guild (Kelthas, NE druid) who loved the community and would be happy to reconnect with anyone who remembers it. I reserved a druid on Pagle. Would love to meet up with you folks!


Oh yeah. Tons of duels and grenade spamming. Good days :slight_smile:


Who remembers Vinkar’s marriage procession in gold shire ?


Yeah, Blue was an awesome guy and a really good Druid player. Good to see you around and planning to play again!

Juken, Gnome Mage. Same character as now.
The primary two guilds were Cry Havoc and Mortalis Incarnae
I was mainly active during MC and BWL.

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Habsucht! I totally remember you from Cry Havoc.


Hello - I ran with SFC? Were you the tank Heavyax? I was a priest that healed in Molten Core and other runs. My character was Kassamor.

Everything is good. I’m glad to see you. Hit me up with a friends request. Kassamor#1119. We made toons on Pagle.

Avon, human rogue, level 27
no guild
early 2006

I borrowed 50g from someone in SW to pay for a fiery enchant for my weapon, The Black Knight. Never actually paid it back. I was 12

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