Hahah, I’ve been mostly playing this entire time although I recently came back to Bronzebeard when my father passed a couple years ago to claim his characters and a guild we had together with a bunch of alts. Since then I’ve kinda paired up with a fairly casual guild.
I haven’t really considered going back to Classic. I remember it all too well and don’t want to relive it? And to what end, I guess. It’s not like I’ll really get anything that’s never been gotten or play a game where I don’t know how the story goes. It’s not like I’ll see something new and exciting. Idk though, the closer it gets, the more people are coming back that I used to hang with… and that -is- appealing.
I’m sorry to hear that about your Father. Ya I focused mostly on the mage back in the day. Wanted to try a different class this time around. Not sure if you remember her, but Kelfie was a barrel of laughs during raids and what not. Thought I would definitely see her in this thread cracking people up again, but I guess the forums is not for everyone lol.
Hey mate 
I’ll be playing horde side Arugal (oce). So probably not on whatever US server you’ll be on, but make an alt on my server/add me on bnet! Gruff#1264
Hey mate! Honestly my memory is hazey (i was in a green fog most of GMT) but you might remember me if you remember GMT. I’ll be on arugal horde side as “Spit”. feel free to hmu 
Thank you
I have no idea what I would even play lol. I remember the name but as I said, my memory is bad at remembering how I remember a lot of people lol. She’s not the one that would come into Vent and moan for Jehuty is she? XD I think I do remember Kelfie in a good way. Man getting older sucks!
Edit: Wait! Wasn’t she a Druid??
LMAO! yea that was Kelfie and she was a druid back in the day. those were the fun days of vent, when we had to get our own channel to not “Disturb” people
I was one of the crazies in that guild too and I miss it. old toon - Travelosity, new is this one and new classic is Surt on Pagle
Lmao, man. I’m just going to stay away from that entire sh*tshow. Thank god I’ve grown up, is all I have to say.
Was just thinking about your crazy as too fearless leader.
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I remember you too!
dont forget about @timefactor and @fatherhank
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Hey what was your vanilla toon name? But yeah
Lewb and I will be on Herod. come join the rebellion (horde).
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Ya she was a resto druid and played on a laptop. I remember her asking if a mouse was better than just using her mouse pad. I think Dagon or Dagarie did the moaning with Jehuty as well lol. Rick in vent said to keep the adult chat on hold until 10pm server time because a lot of the folks played without head phones and had their kids around the computer.
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As I said, I’m not gonna touch that sh*tshow, lol. Now I just feel bad for his wife back then. Every time I think about things back then I kinda just cringe and take another drink of something strong. It’s like reliving horrible college years without the dorm.
I totally remember that rule! I remember thinking how stupid that was! And… how stupid I still think it is! Although, raiding was pretty intense. I remember when the Ony video was pmuch every raid leader ever and anything said in Vent during raid was mostly always NC17 out of pure rage and anger from raid stress. I guess that could be a bad influence on kids? Lol.
Hello, anyone remember Ocean
How are you my old PVP friend. Are you planning on playing classic? I’m going to be playing with some work friends on Thalnos alliance. Probably be fairly casual. Life has taken it’s toll on my game playing time.
Character: Eonblue
Shadow Warlock
Guild: United Chaos
Holy cow folks, you’ll probably dont remember me but i was heavy during our Zul Gurub clearing and during our 10 man Onyxzia runs. Seeing your names is a total blast from the past for me.
Whoops, I mean Eonslock - Affliction Warlock 
Holy crap, it’s FH!
I figured you would be dead, or in jail, or dead in jail, or … dead. What are you, like 900 years old now or something?
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So glad to see you Vekman! I’m doing ok, just getting older you know. I turn 46 this year. Kind of crazy. How are you?
From what I understand a lot of us classic people are going to be playing on Atiesh. So, that is where I’ll be. But like you I will be super casual. Thanks so much for your reply and remembering me Vekman 
Leilia, Mousemike, Darde/Kyled from reckoning! If you ever start to play again hit me up.
Also, if no one remembers Ocean, it will make me sad. Never talked to him but even i remember that name
Has anyone seen my Baseball ?