Bronze Token Troubles

Having 5 minutes to myself every other day to get a snippet of info on what the current state of the empire is like is whete my info comes from. Again download the ptr when I have an hour at best in my spare time mon-fri to give to any goings on.

Also im not at work on my phone like some of you gen z kids

Dude you completely ignoring the fact of the matter stop freaking defending yourself and listen up.

All you had to do is make a post saying I head _____________. I haven’t had a lot of time to look into it myself because I’m quite busy is this true? Could anyone clear this up a little better for me so I could understand it better.

On top of this I literally linked my post above where I answered all the questions you asked in your OP. You didn’t even bother to read that dude you just read one sentence I said and then freaked out on it and told me to shut up :rofl: then you claimed I didn’t answer anything even though I linked my post with all my answers

People literally do this on the forms all the time. You didn’t have to make stuff up and say you read stuff that you didn’t. That’s all you had to do. It would have been more respectable than what you’re doing you’re just making yourself look foolish now.

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Oh please . I doubt many GEN Z play this game .
I’m on my comp at home waiting to leave for work and I think you’re being over dramatic .

Oh and I am early GEN X (as in one of those born in late 60s) .

All you had to say is thank you for the information given and as far as the advice about getting the ptr to check for yourself all you had to do is go.

"Thanks for the advice ,I’ll take it under consideration " or just kept quiet and moved on .

But no you had to get agressive and go into Karen mode instead.

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I’m starting to wonder if the op is just bored and trolling everyone.

If you scroll literally like three or four post up you will see where I linked my original response the answers all of his questions. He didn’t even bother to read that literally the only thing he read that I posted what’s the part advising him he can get on the PTR in the future to get this information first hand.

He read that nothing else and took offense to it

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What did I make up? From what ive seen or at least interpersted that it wasnt the set but pieces of the set. Are we really trying to act like this isnt within the scope of what blizzard would do anyway? With how metric and grind focused they are?

“It was bad info heres whats really going on”
My would have been exact response: “Oh thats great! Glad its not the nightmare scape I heard about” end scene

Instead you decide to go on this crusade of “WhY dIdNt YoU dOwNlOaD tHe PtR aNd- yap yap yap yap yap”

Aggression is my first and ONLY response to some rude kid trying to walk around with a superiority complex with an authoritative “holier than thou” attitude. I come from a time where youd get your rear end handed to you and thrown out of whatever building you were in if you didnt have a modicum of respect.

Like I said a few posts back

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You are probably completely correct here’s my original response I was talking about

Two things are clear. 1) That post pretty much answered all of his concerns he stated in his original post. 2) he claimed I didn’t answer anything and only insulted him and called him lazy for not getting on the PTR therefore he didn’t read any of that

Kind of funny him /her throwing out the Gen Z attack yet they’re the one getting triggered


Pretty much classic trolling 101 is to call you the pot and be the kettle

and saying they are from an era that they would give people the hand if they did not show respect.

and respect is earned not given and this is coming from someone was born in 88

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This is completely true and this is coming from someone who is old enough to see the original Star Wars A New Hope when it came out in theaters.

If I was born 3 years earlier I’d be an actual baby boomer for God’s sake

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i had the vhs one where we recorded from the tv lol

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I still remember after I went to see Star Wars with my dad coming out of the theater and me talking about how awesome I thought the movie was and him saying " I sat there and watched the movie and I still don’t know what the heck is going on. I don’t get any of it"

He claimed the movie would be a fad that would quickly die off my god look how wrong he was lol

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It was more like if you disrespect your parents you get the hand .
You embarass either one in public you get the hand.

Other people you just show comon courtesy to .

true even the father line was quoted over and over which is funny

I lost count on how many times my dad took me to see what became “A New Hope” back in 77 when it was just called Star Wars.

That original screen version is the best . Screw all the vhs /dvd changes Lucas did later on .


i got that one and you want something to cry about talk when i was a spoiled kid lol

You should try to refrain from the presumptuous ageism. It’s not a good look.

Accept the fact that you were working with faulty information, and were fact-checked. It happens, and drama can be avoided in the future by simply admitting it. That is after all, the mature thing to do.

Man this generation is the complete reverse of ours. When we grew up we were never told we were special. There were no participation trophies. When we had a problem we with someone we were told to Duke it out in the backyard.

Instead of being told I was special whenever I said something backtalk wise we were constantly told “Oh!!! you think you’re special? You’re not get back to work”. It was literally the reverse of what kids are told nowadays.

I’m not saying the way we were raised was right and there wasn’t problems with it but I’ll tell you one thing we never gave a dang what anyone said about us. We had a lot thicker skin than that


You’re trolling, right?

60 for the first set, 40 for the 2nd and 20 for all others, with a COMBINED TOTAL FOR ALL 13 SETS to be close to 300.

Go stand in the corner and think about what you posted!

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