You guys do realize that ever since they introduced time travel in wow, no one is truly dead right? Any of your favorite wow characters can come back by shifting a timeline. Why is hasn’t been done especially when Shadowlands had that opportunity I don’t know.
I’m sure most people would say Garrosh Or Varian.
but who would you like to see brought back into a retail story line?
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daelin proudmore, garithos and aedelas blackmoore
put them in charge of the alliance
Do you wanna unravel the timey wimey ball?
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It’s a fair point, but undoing death is such a bad method in writing. Pretty much just cheapens everything.
If there aren’t any stakes, there’s no drama. No drama, no story
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Shadowlands had the opportunity to literally undo years of bad writing decisions with the creation engine in Zereth Mortis but nope instead they released an entire book making it all even worse.
With that knowledge my answer is none writing team is incapable of doing it properly.
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